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2 weeks ago, I ran away from home. I left it all behind but... I took the egg, the egg that my family was so hyper fixated on, the egg that their organisation studied. They all suspected the egg was holding a "mythical pokémon" They tried for so long to find out what's in the egg, they tried to hatch it and studied how to hatch the egg. But, they never found anything out. Eventually, with no new information and leads, they gave up on the egg. Decided its a "dead Pokémon egg that mutated" even though it made no sense and was not a valid reason, it's also too... freakish looking, but they left it, abandoning, the egg completely. They originally left it in some random cellar in the lab, in a box named "SUSPECTED FAILED EGG J.2" But I took it with me when I left home.

The egg is average sized, so I had no problem getting a Incubator for it. The egg is white with unique yellow patterns, and occasionally will glow a light blue. They suspected that the egg had originated from the Hoenn region, as thats where it was discovered. thats why I left my home region and came to the Hoenn region, One for the egg, second to get away from my family and have a new start.

A week and a half ago is when I actually left, and just wandered the region, trying to figure out what to do. In that week and a half I collected what I needed. The main thing is a good outfit, a egg incubator the necessities and all of it is stored inside my black duffle bag. This black duffle bag is always on my shoulder, I never let go of it, I only put it down when I'm sleeping or when it's needed. I haven't let anyone else touch it, and I won't. It has the egg inside, the whole thing that motivated me to leave. But a few days ago is when I arrived at the Hoenn region, and all I've done is try to find anything out about this egg. Which is proving to be very difficult, and not very successful.

·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

Looking back, walking through a forest filled with wild rabid Pokémon isn't a good idea - especially when I have no Pokémon. But there's nothing I can do as most of my suspected places to find out information is not in the middle of the cities, but instead in wilderness and mountains and caves, which is very inconvenient.

The grip on my duffle bag is tight, scared to loose it and my precious egg. As I walk through the forest, the cave I've just been to, thinking that I was going to be new information.. was a waste of time. The mural I saw inside of the cave, only spoke of the Legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza, and a large white rock it harvested energy from to "mega evolve"

Im used to walking through forests alone, I even do it at night! But this time... was different, I was nervous, I felt as if I was being watched. Causing me to grip the shoulder strap of the black bag draped over my shoulder even tighter. The more I walked the more I realised how the once playful wild Pokémon I encountered on the way here are now more... scared, they stopped playing with each other, no longer looking so care-free as I walked closer they all ran away into the bushes. Giving each other one look of fear before scurrying off. The more it happened, the more anxious I was. Until I stopped walking.

I stood in the middle of the forest, the centre on the desire path the folk of Hoenn had walked to form. It was silent until, A Pokémon cried out, particularly a strong bird Pokémon, it sounded as if it was...

On reflex I jump out of the way as I saw a larger then usual Swellow charged at me - it was angry, and attacking me with no mercy. It let out another battle cry before trying to use tackle again on me




Its all I could do, Run, trying to evade the fully evolved bird Pokémon, hoping it will get bored of me or something! But it doesn't.. work out. After a good 10 minutes of running and evading attacks. Trying to be tackled, charged at, anything. I give up. I stand there with my hand against the tree I was leaning on, catching my breath as the bird Pokémon stood there knowing it has won, my body faces the angered Pokémon shielding my bag from the attack. I hope once the bird attacks me It'll leaving - thinking it won the "battle" and my bag (egg) will remain unharmed.

I stand there for a few moments, bracing myself as the bird Pokémon lets out a final battle cry before changing up it's attack, I put my head down, gripping the black shoulder strap of my bag with my eyes closed. I ready myself for the attack until...

"Metagross use protect!"

I look up, a white and golden Metagross stood in front of me with it's trainer, who called out the command, A man with teal hair who looked in his young-mid twenties. The metagross obeyed the command and put up a blue see through shield. Anyone from a first glance could tell the metagross was strong, it held a certain aura. Similarly so did it's trainer, he stood there proud with confidence.

The swellow, at seeing the Metagross and it's trainer left the battle and fled - similarly sensing its aura as did i. The swellow let out a cry before leaving. At this the teal haired man turned around and spoke,

"Are you okay?"

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

AN: you know life is rough when i gotta start the fanfiction arc because there are no DECENT pokemon fan fics
So I am doing tjis for me. No good fan fics so I write them myself.
Tbh i know she seems kinda cringe with the whole "i ran away from home blablabla" but trust im gonna do hwr justice.
If your hoping homegirl turns into some OP trainer then ur horribly wrong
Steven + homegirl will have a sibling relationship, During the firsy chapters ill make it clear of the age gap so pls dont expect any sort of shipping or romantic relationship

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