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"Are you alright?"

The man repeated the question again, but you couldn't answer. You were too... shocked, off-guard. This man had just saved you from taking a hyperbeam from the swellow, why?

He waved his hands infront of your face "are you okay?"

This knocked you out of your shocked state of mind as you stopped leaning on the tree and stood up straight, grip still tight on your bag "yes! Yes, I'm okay thanks, i was just a bit..."

He answered for you "shocked? ... it's alright, Im glad you're okay - youre not hurt, are you?"

You blurted out "why?"

He repeated your question, maybe out of shock "why?" He asked dumbfounded

"I'm sorry, ignore me. Im fine thank you, for saving me. I really do appreciate it."

He just nodded "its okay, don't worry. Im glad you didn't get hurt at all."

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks anyways"

He seemed hesitant to ask the question, but he did anyways "did your Pokémon faint?"

Oh, the realisation had just hit. I prepared for everything - the airaplane ride, the egg incubator, what I was going to pack, where I was going to search. But... not having to explain why I dont have a Pokémon, or even having to say it.

The man infront of you had realised you've spaced out, again. Causing him to flick his fingers until he brought you back to reality. "Miss?" He asked

"Oh, I'm sorry - I didn't mean to ignore you, I just... got lost in thought."

He laughed it off "its alright, so about your Pokémon..."

Oh right, he didnt say anything. Waiting for you to answer.

"I, uh, don't have a Pokémon, Sir."

He didn't try to hide his shock, and if he did he wasn't very good at it. His eyes widened as he looked at you and blurted out "what?"

I repeated myself "I don't have a Pokémon, Sir"

He didn't know what to say, he just looked at you "well that's quite.. shocking. You look to be around 15, how come you haven't started your journey?"

Oh, now it's hit you, how truly unprepared you were. Should I lie? Should I say the truth? What should I do? He didn't look like a bad guy, he did save you after all. But you still don't trust him. After all you were told "Looks can be deceiving" but then thats your fathers words so

For the third time he notice you've zoned out again, lost in thought so he apologised "Im sorry, I didnt mean to ask you something out of place-"

You interrupted his apology "Oh no dont be sorry, Sir. I just zoned out, again. Its not a huge deal - I was just attacked by a Pokémon as a child, and ever since then I just havent wanted to own one or become a child."

It sounded like a pretty big deal to him, but he decided not to pry into your... childhood experiences. Instead he changed the subject "Please don't call me Sir, It makes me feel old. Mind me asking, Why were you out here in the first place?"

Now how could you answer this?? "Oh yeah I'm looking for some information about a weird egg I stole from my father" you could have lied and said about how you were training, but he already knew you had no damn Pokémon!

"I, uh... got lost..?" you said, your tone lacing with unsure. Obviously you were lying, I just hoped he didn't pick up on it.

But he did as he asked "Oh really?"

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