Chapter 10: Truth Or Dare?

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Yay! Me and Louis won the trolley race! It was so funny. Niall and Liam where right behind us, screaming about how they were gunna 'win this

Mother f*cker!' (Niall's choice of words not mine.)

There were only two tills open for service as it was early morning, and hardly anyone was here. One till being empty, and the other serving an elderly lady. Me and Louis made it to the empty till first.

Liam pushed Niall to the other one saying that they could win as they didn't have as much shopping as us, and neither did the old lady.

Little did they know that, when the cashier had scanned all the items, that the lady would have a very hard time counting all the change from the bottom of her purse.

33 pounds and 72 pennies later, the cashier began scanning Liam and Niall's shopping, whilst me and Louis laughed at them as we had won.

As we began walking back to Poppy the PPP, we saw the same elderly lady that was counting her change early muttering to herself.

She saw us laughing and looked over at us. "Do you know those two boys back there?" She asked

"Yes, they're good friends of ours." Louis replied softly, smiling back at the woman.

"Well, tell them to slow down! Bloody hooligans trying to rush an old lady! They need to stop running around like headless chickens and calm down!" She huffed, clearly not impressed by the way Niall asked her if she could hurry up before.

Or possibly when Liam asked her if she wanted him to count her change for her. She said 'no', but then lost her count and had to begin again.

"We will miss, sorry about them we had a bet to see who could get the shopping the quickest." I said feeling sorry for her.

She simply shook her head and carried on walking home with her shopping bags.

We waited by the van for 5 minutes and Liam and Niall came out of the store, hands full of shopping. They laughed when we told them what the lady said.

Another 15 minutes went by until Zayn and Harry came out of the store. Harry's face held an expression of embarrassment and Zayn's face held a frown.

"What's up guys?" Liam asked "And why did you take so long?"

"Well, it was going fine until we had to get the hair gel that was on the list." Harry said "But we didn't know which one to buy, so Zayn said to grab one of each, then I said that we couldn't buy all of then because there was no point. Then he pushed me down to the toy aisle and grabbed one of those doll heads and started testing the gel on them. And then the shop person guy came over and shouted at us. Then Zayn shouted at him saying that they should have testers. Then the shop person 'escorted' us to the tills and made us buy the head and all the gel! We didn't even get the carrots!!"

Harry was really angry and shit us glares as we laughed at their story.

"I said sorry Harry!" Zayn said quietly "Forgive me? Please!"

"I'm sorry for being angry at you mate! It was pretty funny though, wasn't it?"

"Yeah!" Zayn said as he pulled Harry into one of those weird dude shoulder hug thingys. I mean what's wrong with a normal hug?

"Nothing, us guys are just special!" Niall said smiling.

"Said that out loud didn't I?" I cringed already knowing the answer. He nodded and laughed. I really need to stop that.


We are having a sleepover! All the duvets, blankets and pillows are on the living room floor, so we can all cuddle.

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