Chapter 4: Oh No You Didn't!!

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Although Zayn's grip made me feel safe, it also made me feel awkward, uneasy and uncomfortable. I hadn't been this close to a guy in so long. In hope that he would loosen his grip, I wriggled and squirmed, but if anything happened Zayn only held onto me tighter than before.

Jesus christ is he the Incredible Hulk in disguise or something?? Talk about an iron grip! I looked around the room searching for something to help me get free. Well, I guess I could hit him over the head with the lamp or elbow him in the gut...wait what am I saying? I'm not violent! Plus I couldn't do that to him the others would kill me. Soon my eyes landed on Niall. Light bulb!!!

I cleared my throat a little to get the others attention. Did it work? No.

"Urmm guys?" I said quietly. They still didn't hear. Great! I'll say it a bit louder,

"G-g-guys?, Oi! GUYS!!"

They all turned and looked at me. Oh so that gets their attention.

"Urm...I was kinda wondering guys were hungry?" I stuttered. I must sound like a total idiot! Shoot me, seriously!

Niall jumped up off the floor and sighed deeply "Finally! I've been starving for ages but I didn't want to just raid your fridge cause that would be totally rude and I didn't ask in case you said no!"

"You should've just asked I would've said yes. Urm Zayn could you kinda get off me please?" I asked nicely.

"Yeah Zayn get off her so she can feed me!" Niall shouted whilst pulling my arms.

"But I'm comfy here, I'm sure you an find something to eat by yourself" What a poo head! I can literally hear the smirk in his voice!!

"No he can't I have a very complex kitchen! He wouldn't be able to find anything!" I argued.

"Fine!" Woohoo! I'm free I'm free!!

The boys laughed whilst Zayn sat there with a sad expression on his face.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" They nodded "Oh my gosh I didn't mean it like that I'm just not comfortable with being so close to a dude and you're a dude unless you're a girl which is totally fine with me if you wanna be a girl then be a girl but that wouldn't explain why I was uncomfortable would it and oh my gosh I'm rambling again aren't I?"

I bet they're rethinking staying over now. Gosh I'm such an idiot!

"Did you just imply that I was a girl?" Zayn asked

Louis snapped his fingers in a 'Z' shape and said in a Girly voice "Oh no you didn't guuuuuuuuurl!' And stood with his hands on his hips. That boy has issues I swear. The boys laughed at his nonsense apart from Zayn who stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Nooooo" I said stretching out the 'o'.

By this point the lads were in tears from laughing. Especially Niall who was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"I don't think I did!"

"We'll I do think you did, no wait, I know you did!!"

"You don't know anything and no I didn't!"

"Oh so now I'm dumb am I?"

"No Zayn seriously I didn't mean it! Don't hurt me please!" I begged as he move closer to me.

"Oh I won't hurt you," I sighed with relief "but my tickles might!"

WHAT?! My eyes bulged out of there sockets and I tried to run. It didn't work though, as he caught me.

"Please don't tickle me! Please!" I begged once more.

"I won't if you make me a sandwich!"

"Deal!" I shouted as I was released from his grasp.

"Finally! Can we eat now?" Niall complained. I nodded and led them to the kitchen.


We were all back in the living room eating our sandwiches. In this case everyone had one each, except Niall who made three. Seriously where does he put it?


Where on earth did that come from? Everyone looked around the room in search for the source of the music.


OH MY GOSH! Realisation hit me. It was my phone. I ran across the room over to the DVD cabinet were my phone lay.

'Incoming call from unknown number'

I pressed the answer button and held the phone to my ear wondering who could be calling. It's sad to say that I only have four contacts on my phone, my mums mobile, the house number and my best friends mobile and her house number. I only have one friend but I don't care, she's the better than anyone else in the world!

"Hello?" I questioned

"Hey baby!" My mum's voice echoed down the phone.


"Yeah it's me honey. My phone ran out of charge so Paul let me use his, he's such a sweetheart!" She gushed. Somebody's gone all googoo eyed!

"Oh okay, what's up then? And what's taking so long? You've been gone for ages!"

"Well Paul insisted on taking me out to dinner, he's such a gentleman honestly dear you'd love him! So anyway we went to lunch and then we went back to the hotel to get the boys luggage but it hasn't arrived yet, it'll only be here tomorrow morning. So Paul suggested that I stay at the hotel tonight and he'll help me bring the luggage home tomorrow. Is that okay with you sweety? I know you don't like being around boys anymore but you need to get over that soon, and this is the only way, plus Paul assured me that they'd look after you properly. So what do you think?"

"Well to be honest I don't think you'd let me say no even if I didn't agree," I sighed

"You got that right sweety"

"So yeah it sounds fine, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"First thing in the morning! I promise! Oh and tell those boys to stay away from my room that includes you so you'll still have to share okay?" She said sternly.

"Okay, love you mum."

"Love you too, see you tomorrow baby!"

And with that she hung up. I saved the contact as Paul on my phone and turned to talk to the boys.

After explaining what my mum told me we decided to finish watching Toy Story and chill out for the rest of the day

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