Moving on ain't easy

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Chapter 1
Sara sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the boxes scattered around the room. Clothes, books, and toys were strewn in chaotic piles, remnants of a life she thought would never change. The silence of the apartment was deafening, interrupted only by the occasional sniffle from the bedroom down the hall. Her three-year-old son, Jake, was taking his afternoon nap, blissfully unaware of the tectonic shift that had occurred in their world.

At 28, Sara never imagined she'd be single again, let alone navigating the complexities of co-parenting. The past few months had been a blur of arguments, tears, and late-night discussions that led to the inevitable conclusion: she and Tom, her partner of seven years, were better apart. They had tried everything—counseling, date nights, even a brief separation—but the love that once burned brightly had faded into a dull, cold ember. The decision to part ways was mutual, but that didn't make it any less painful.

The hardest part was explaining it to Jake. "Daddy's going to live in a different house now," she had said, her voice trembling. "But he still loves you very much, and you'll see him all the time." Jake had looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes, not fully grasping the weight of her words. He had simply asked, "Can I still see Daddy's new house?"

Navigating co-parenting was uncharted territory for Sara. She and Tom had decided on a shared custody arrangement, with Jake spending weekdays with him and weekends with her. The logistics were daunting, and the emotional toll even more so. Every handover felt like a small heartbreak, a reminder of the family unit that was no more.

The doorbell rang, pulling Sara from her thoughts. She hurried to open it, finding Tom standing there with a hesitant smile. "Hey," he said softly.

"Hey," she replied, stepping aside to let him in. He glanced around at the boxes, a flicker of guilt crossing his face.

"Packing up already?" he asked.

"Yeah, I figured it's time to start fresh," she said, forcing a smile. "Jake's still napping. Want to wait until he wakes up?"

Tom nodded, sitting down on the couch. There was a time when this house had felt like a home, filled with laughter and late-night conversations. Now, it felt like a museum of memories.

"How are you holding up?" Tom asked after a moment of silence.

Sara sighed. "Some days are better than others. It's just... hard, you know? I never thought we'd end up here."

"Me neither," Tom admitted. "But we have to do what's best for Jake."

Sara nodded, appreciating his sincerity. They had always agreed on one thing: Jake's happiness was paramount. Co-parenting was a challenge, but they were determined to make it work.

The sound of small feet pattering on the hardwood floor announced Jake's arrival. He ran into the living room, rubbing his eyes and clutching his stuffed dinosaur.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed, running into Tom's arms. Tom lifted him up, hugging him tightly.

"Hey, buddy! How was your nap?"

"Good," Jake mumbled, resting his head on Tom's shoulder. "Are we going to your house today?"

"Not today, champ. Today's Mommy's moving day. But I'll see you this Sunday, okay?"

Jake nodded, looking over at Sara. "Can Dino come with me to Daddy's house?"

"Of course," Sara said, ruffling his hair. "Dino can go wherever you go."

Watching Tom with Jake, Sara felt a pang of sadness. This was not the life she had envisioned for her son. She had hoped to give him a stable, loving home with both parents under one roof. But life had a way of rewriting dreams, and now she had to make the best of this new reality.

As Tom played with Jake, Sara took a moment to gather herself. The future was uncertain, and the road ahead was sure to be filled with challenges. But she was determined to create a new life for herself and Jake, one that was filled with love and support, even if it looked different from what she had originally planned.

Later, after Tom had left her at the new flat, and Jake was in bed, Sara sat down with a glass of wine, reflecting on the day. She had survived Tom assisting her with the house move, which she never thought would even be an option until she realised she didn't really have no one else to help. This was just another reminder of her new reality. It wasn't easy, but she was learning to navigate the complexities of co-parenting, one day at a time.

She knew there would be more tough days ahead, but there would also be good ones. Moments of joy, laughter, and love that would make all the struggles worthwhile. For now, that was enough.

With a deep breath, she raised her glass to the future, whatever it might hold.

"Here's to new beginnings," she whispered, taking a sip.

As the wine warmed her from the inside out, she allowed herself to hope.

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