"I Miss You."

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Kreation's POV
For the rest of the car ride home, I sat in my brothers lap. Thinking about what could have happened if I didn't fight to protect myself. I shiver at the thought of Erik touching me. I try to piece together my thoughts, trying to remember everything he did.

I feel someone pick me up and throw me over their shoulder. I can't see that well, its really fuzzy. I strain to open my eyes again and all I see is a blurry figure before I pass out.

I don't know how long I've been out, but I know someone is carrying me again.
They dropped me on what I'm pretty sure is a bed. I lift my head slightly but it feels as if it weighs a ton. Before I can open my mouth to speak, I black out again.

I wake to the sound of movement. The bed that I am laying on dips to one side. I still can't move. I feel so week. I feel someone's breathe brush against my cheek and then I feel lips against my neck. I try to fight the person off of my but my hands are too weak. I hear the person laugh at my attempt and he places his hand on my stomach. I don't think I'm wearing clothes anymore. His hand slides down to my hip and my skin crawls from his touch. I finally will my eyes to open and when they do, I look directly into Erik's eyes.
(End of Memories)

I don't notice that we pull up at my apartment until I feel Steven pull my closer to his chest so that he can get out of the car. I expect him to put me down but he doesn't. He carries me to my building with Jr. and his mom following closely behind. Steven walks to the elevator and we all get in together. I wrap my arms around his neck and he rubs my back in slow circles, trying to make me feel better. The elevator stops on my floor and he turns toward my door. He takes our his spare key and unlocks the door. We all head into the living room where Steven sits down with me still in his lap. I hug him one more time then stand up. I turn to Jr. and his mom, thinking what I should do with them. I swore to keep them safe and I'm going to keep that promise.

K: Jr. I want you to tell your mom that I'm going to send the two of you somewhere. You both will be safe there and your daddy won't be able to find you. You two will be happy together.

He translated for his mom and she sheds a tear before wiping it away quickly. I wait for her reply but instead she pulls me into a hug. It catches me by surprise but I hug her back. I pull away from her embrace and I can see the tears in her eyes. She rambles something out in Spanish to Jr. and he translates it to me.

Jr: My mama wanted me to tell you that she is very grateful for your help. She said that she owes you her life.
K: Tell her that I am glad that I could help and that she doesn't owe me anything. I just want you two to be safe.

After he tells his mom I hear someone coming down the stairs. I turn to see who it is and I see that it is the girls. Savannah has tears in her eyes, Diana looks stressed, and Mia has her bat Marvin. I can't do anything but smile at them and walk towards them. Savannah is the first one to hug me followed by Diana then Mia. We stand there hugging each other, not wanting to let go. I want to just forget everything that happened and move on, but I know that the girls are going to want to know what happened. So I pull away from them and get ready to tell them what happened.

(1 Hour Later)
K: Then I caught him off guard and whooped his *ss. I-I almost killed him.
M: Why Didn't You!?

I don't reply to that but Savannah and Diana look down at the floor. They can't seem to look at me or her right now and I honestly don't blame them. It's not something that you can easily get over.

M: What is it?! Tell me before I get Marvin!
K: Because I don't want something like that on my conscious! Not again! One time was more than enough for me!
M: What do you mean 'Not again'? Kreation, what aren't you telling me.

I look down at my hands and I feel Steven shift beside me. He places his hand on my back and rubs in small circles again, it makes this moment a little easier to handle. I take a deep breath and look directly into Mia's eyes and say,

K: I've killed someone before, well someones. It's the reason I thought of moving here in the first place. It was violent, bloody, and scary. But the worst part is that I enjoyed killing them. I felt strong and to this day I despise the part of myself that liked the fact that I watched the light drain out of their eyes. What type of sick person thinks that way?! Me, that's who! I didn't kill Erik because I've been running from that side of me and killing him would have brought that ruthless side out of me!

I can barely control my breathing at this point. My hands are shaking and my voice cracked at the end. The only reason why Savannah, Diana, and Steven know about it, is because they were there. It was three grown men against me, Savannah, and Diana. We were still in high school. Me, always running my mouth, they thought it would be great to come after me instead of Savannah and Diana. That gave them time to call Steven. He didn't get there before the three guys held me down and tried to rape me. When Steven got there he yelled out my name and stopped the three guys long enough for me to grab a broken bottle off of the ground. When the guy on top of me turned his head back towards me, I stabbed him in his throat with the bottle. His blood covered my bare chest and I threw him off of me. I saw a pocket knife in his pocket so I grabbed it. When I stood up all that i could see was red.

It was as if someone else was controlling my body. I just couldn't stop, not until they where dead. I was covered in their blood as I stood over their dead bodies. I killed three men and I could feel the smile on my face.

K: That's why I could't kill Erik. If any of you want Erik dead, find someone else to do it. No matter how much I despise his very existence, I am not going to be the one to kill him. I already have enough blood on my hands.
M: Why didn't you tell me before?
K: I didn't know how to. It isn't like I can just walk up to one of my best friends and be like, 'Hey Mia, how's your day? B-T-Dubs, I killed three guys after they tried to gang-rape me before I moved to New York, plus I enjoyed it. But none of that matters right?' No. So I'm not going to try to kill Erik. If he comes after any of us again, then I'll handle it then. I couldn't kill him, if you want him dead, I'll take you to him. Hell, you can bring Marvin, your trusty bat, and finish the job. But he is not going to die by my hands unless it is absolutely necessary.

I look in Mia's eyes but her eyes stray to behind me. I turn and look towards the stairs to see Larry and Laurent/ God, did they hear all of that? The just stand there looking at me, emotionless. I stand up and walk towards them and their eyes follow me the entire time. Well, I would have had to tell them sooner or later, I guess at least now would be easier.

K: Did you guys hear all of that?

They don't reply, the just simply nod their heads. I look down at my hands, ready for them to walk out of my life.

K: Well I understand if you two want nothing to do with me. I mean I did kill three people, I'm not gonna go crazy and force you two to stay in my life. I just ho-
L & Lau: What?!
K: ...If you want to leave I'm fine with it. We can just pretend like we never met each other.
L: Belle, we non leaving you.
Lau: We non care what happened in you past. Those men tried to hurt you and you protect you self. We non judge you.
K: Thanks, both of you.

They smile at me with open arms and I walk into their embrace. After 3 hours of talking and reconnecting with everyone, I get a phone call. I look at the number and I try to remember where I've seen it before. I answer the phone and step out of the living room. I put the phone to my ear and speak into it.

K: Hello?
Ca: (Caleb) Kreation, it's Caleb.
K: Caleb Bennet?
Ca: Yeah, I haven't heard from you in a while.
K: Yeah, its been almost 6 years. Why are you calling me? Is something wrong?
Ca: No its just that...I miss you.
K: Caleb, it took you 6 years to realize that you missed me?!
Ca: It's not like that. I thought about you every day I just didn't have the courage to call you.
K: Well you broke up with me, out of the blue.
Ca: Baby I'm sorry. I don't even know what I was thinking.
K: It doesn't even matter any more Caleb. I moved on years ago. I wish you the best of luck in life.
Ca: Wait, I just wanted to tell you that I'm moving, to New York.
K: What?! Why?
Ca: I got transferred to a company up there, I'll start work the beginning of next month. Where did you move to?
K: ...Um, I moved to New York a little bit after we broke up. Been here ever since.
Ca: Well I guess it's fate. Maybe we'll get to see each other and catch up a bit.
K: Well I've gotta go. Bye Caleb.
Ca: Good bye Kreation.

I hang up the phone, staring at it in my hand. God's punishing me because I can't seem to stay away from drama lately.

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