Chapter 4: Docket No. 11-19-41-73 and No. 14-17-76-54

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In the Courthouse

A reporter shouted, "Mr. Queen, Mr. Allen, do you know who Vibe is? What about the identities of the other vigilantes working with the Green Arrow and The Flash? Mr. Queen, Mr. Allen, how long will this trial last? Will you two be acquitted?"

Barry held Patty's hand tightly as Oliver guided Dinah through the crowd of reporters toward the courthouse door.

A police officer opened the door, leading Barry, Dinah, Oliver, Patty, and their attorney, Jean Loring, inside.

Dinah muttered, "And the media wonders why everyone hates them."

Jean nodded to the officer and said, "Thank you, officer. You can wait outside."

The officer replied, "I'm right where Mr. Diaz wants me."

Jean turned to him with a firm look. "I need to have a privileged conversation with my clients."

The officer shrugged. "Nobody's stopping you."

Barry and Oliver motioned for Jean to sit down at the table.

Jean began, "Since you fired District Attorney Armand, the D.A.'s office has brought in outside counsel to prosecute both your cases."

Patty said, "Okay, that could be a good thing. I mean, someone who's not in Diaz's pocket."

Jean asked, "Have you heard of Alexa Van Owen?"

Barry looked puzzled. "Should we have heard of her?"

Dinah quickly searched on her phone and read aloud, "She took down Intergang and Bruno Mannheim. She's prosecuted CEOs and serial killers. She has CIA-caliber investigators who claim they can find anything and everything. Her conviction rate is 99%."

Jean continued, "She called me last night and offered a plea deal. A single count of first-degree manslaughter."

Patty sounded hopeful, "That doesn't sound so bad."

Jean added, "With a 15-year minimum sentence."

Patty and Dinah exclaimed in unison, "That sounds bad. We're not taking that, right?"

The women exchanged a determined look and turned to Barry and Oliver.

Oliver stated firmly, "We're not taking any deal."

Jean sighed, "Look, Van Owen isn't in Diaz's pocket, but we have every reason to believe that Judge McGarvey is. This whole system is stacked against you two."

Barry shook his head resolutely. "No deal. Get us an acquittal."

Oliver gazed at Dinah, his expression earnest. "Look, Dinah, I know we've had our issues, and I'm sorry for that. I should have handled things differently. I apologize. But right now, I need you more than ever."

Dinah met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "Hey, I'm your wife, remember? We'll get through this together. And I'm sorry too. But let's talk about this more when things settle down, okay?"

Oliver nodded silently, gratitude evident in his eyes.

Barry turned to Patty, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "Patty, I... I never wanted you to get caught up in all of this. I thought I could protect you from it."

Patty squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Barry, you don't need to protect me from everything. We're in this together, remember? I've always known who you are, and what you do. It's part of who you are, and I accept that."

Barry looked at her, touched by her understanding. "I just hate that you're dragged into this mess because of me."

Patty smiled softly. "Barry, I'm here because I want to be. Because I believe in you and what you stand for. We'll face this trial together, and we'll get through it. Remember, it's not just about us—it's about clearing your name and standing up for what's right."

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