chapter 1

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In a house in the kingdom of Mercia sat a young girl playing with birds in a cage whilst a girl watched from the window above as a boy and girl spoke to her

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In a house in the kingdom of Mercia sat a young girl playing with birds in a cage whilst a girl watched from the window above as a boy and girl spoke to her

The boy dressed like a priest and two twin girls stiorra a girl of beauty like the sun and her sister but with beauty like the moon

"Was bebbenburgh as impressive as we were told" stiorra asked her brother and sister

"More so it's very hard to attack" young uthred said laying on the bed
"I wonder if we will ever return to bebbenburgh" freja wondered

"I doubt I'll see it again in my lifetime maybe our children will reclaim one day" young uthred said

"I do not wish for children I am tired of their company" stiorra said bored
"Me either besides I don't think I'd be a very good mother I'd rather be a warrior like father"freja said

"Did you hear that" freja said walking to stiorra
"Horsemen" stiorra mumbled

"Quickly stiorra you know what to do" freja said rushing down the stairs
"aelfwynn come inside now" stiorra said following her sister

"athelstan come quickly" freja said passing the young boy

"Men are riding this way" stiorra said
"Which men" finan asked concerned

"We don't know but they're almost here" freja said causing finan and sihtric to get their weapons

"Wait freja has a plan" stiorra said as the twins smirked at each other They all quickly followed the plan

"Hello can we help are you lost" stiorra asked sweetly

"We here for the lady aelfwynn we're to take her to aegelesburg" a guard said

"Oh I'm sorry sir but someone has already taken her to Winchester" freja smiled

"Who took her" the guard asked

"I believe he called himself uthred" stiorra said

"They left awhile ago" freja added
"Let us in now" the guard said the two girls just opened the gates further allowing the men in

"Search the grounds" one said stiorra and freja sat or the chest osferth was hiding in as the guard searched a guard looked at the two girls suspiciously

"You two of" he demanded the two did as they were told trusting osferth was well hidden

"We told you she isn't here if you leave you may be able to catch them" freja said

"She's not here let's go" the guard said his men following soon enough they all rode away

"It worked" stiorra smiled hugging her sister

"Told you it would" freja said

"Freja, stiorra it is your father" uthred yelled rushing into the home that the men had just left

"Did they hurt either of you" uthred asked hugging his daughters

"No we sent them away they won't be back" freja said just as sihtric jumped down from the ceiling
"Sihtric" uthred jumped

"We prepared ourselves for an invasion" stiorra said

"Lord" finan laughing banging on the chest osferth was in telling him it was time to come out

"A smart girl you have here" finan laughed looking at freja

"Where is aelfwynn" uthred asked seeing no sign of her finan led the group outside whistling seconds later there figures popped up from the bushes outside the gates

"Death came for mother faster than she could possibly know we always felt it would come for one of us to at a speed from nowhere when I saw the horses even though freja would die before me I was prepared but I wasn't afraid but we knew you'd come for us and you did" stiorra said

"Bread, water and weapons only the rest we can find on the road" finan said as everyone gathered what they needed for the journey

"Freja, stiorra help the children on the cart one of you will have to ride in the cart we don't have enough horses" uthred said

"I will father stiorra and I can trade places later" freja said helping aelfwynn and athelstan onto the cart before joining them

"We go north to ceaster" uthred said
Do you think that we will have enough with two children and a band of five" young uthred asked his father

"We will make it last it is only until aethelflead can get her brother to an agreement" uthred said
"I have some silver saved father it's not much but it may buy us some food and drink should we need I'm willing to share it if it will help us" freja said uthred smiled she really was Gisela's daughter Soon the party was on the road

(In aegelesburg)

Aethelflead paced nervously in the room she worried if they had found her daughter she was pulled from her thoughts when a red haired woman rushed into the room

"Lady come quickly I have alerted the man who protects you he is right outside the window" edith said

"If you think that I will fall into some sort of trap you are mistaken" aethelflead said looking suspiciously

"Lady please I am trying to help you" Edith said

"Why would a mistress help a wife" aethelflead said

"Lady Mercia has wronged us both and our brothers have turned on us lady you and I are not so difficult" Edith said

"Unlike you I have never humped a man for influence" aethelflead said

"No but you did for your country and political alliances trust me when I say this I never humped arthelred willingly and trust me I am paying for it now please go whilst you can I have nothing and no one and you have money and people who can help you" Edith said opening the window to show aldhelm

"Eardwulf  will kill you for this" aethelflead said
"He can try but he will not succeed now lady please go when my brother cannot be controlled will bring nothing but disaster for everyone" Edith said

"Find lord uthred on the road to ceaster tell him to meet me at the ruins of saint milburgs priory if you do this I will make sure you are never penniless again" aethelflead said jumping out the window and quickly getting on her horse and riding into the darkness

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