chapter 2

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As they travelled in the hot sun all that could be heard was the cries of aelfwynn

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As they travelled in the hot sun all that could be heard was the cries of aelfwynn

"Stop crying I cannot bear it" stiorra said annoyed

"Be kind sister she wants her mother" young uthred said

"The three of us survived without a mother" stiorra replie

"You must be stronger and be grateful better this, than being wed to an old man" stiorra said

"Relax stiorra she was not raised as we were try not to be so harsh with her" freja said as the cart came to a stop

"Something wrong father why did we stop" freja called from the cart
"No all is well" uthred said

After a few moments a red haired woman rode up to the group

"I bring a message from the lady aethelflead" the woman said

"Did your brother send you to find us" uthred asked suspiciously as sihtric checked to see if anyone has followed

"No he has no idea I'm here he will know I'm gone by now I'm sure but no idea as to where he had the lady aethelflead imprisoned but I released her" the woman said

"We should believe you why" uthred asked
"I would not travel so far only to lie" she said

"You found us how" uthred asked

"Lady aethelflead said you were travelling the road to caester" she answered

"It's just her lord" sihtric said rejoining the group

"You came alone" uthred pointed out
"Yes and lady aethelflead wants you to meet her at the ruins of
st. Milburgs priory" she said giving the message

"But that's in the way to wenloca father we passed that road awhile back" freja said

"This could be a trick to divert us from the path send us into a trap" finan pointed out

"Look I gave my word that I would find you and give you the message I have done that now you can choose whether you believe it or not" the woman said

"Where will you go now" uthred asked as eadith went to leave

"I do not care I have family in Frankia maybe I'll go to them" eadith said
"But that way is in land" young uthred said

"The ships come in by caester you can travel with us and we can show you the way" uthred offered

"Besides if she lies she'll be under our control" uthred said turning to the others

"I'm so sick of being controlled" eadith said
"Then go alone" uthred said quietly
"So when did aethelflead leave" uthred asked

"I let her out last night she left in haste with not much silver and only Lord aldhelm to protect her" eadith replied

"She could be at wenloca already we should turn back and meet her" uthred said thinking

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