chapter 4

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(early morning at aegelesburg)

Hiding in the bushes outside the fortress waiting to secretly by the priest

You will get better executed" Father Pyrlig stated letting the small group inside

"You have survived so far" uthred smiled
"Can you hide them they are my daughters he is the kings bastard" uthred asked

"What...." Father Pyrlig started

"do not ask it is only until I can get Edward to listen" uthred stated
"I fear that we are beyond that this place is like the tinder waiting for the spark" Father Pyrlig added

"Which is why I need to to hide them and keep them safe it won't be for long" Uthred said Father Pyrlig hesitantly nodded taking the girls and the boy to the hiding place

"I know that face you have no plan" finan said
"I have a plan tell the elderman what truly killed their lord" uthred said walking away

(Peckforton hills)

"What is it lady" aldhelm asked noticing aethelflead looking behind them

"We are being followed" aethelflead said
"Go" aldhelm said as they picked up the peace  to they could hide

"Down there" aldhelm said sending the horses away

"Lady aethelflead we know you are there" a voice called

"Run I will hold them off" aldhelm whisper climbing up sighing in relief seeing sihtric and young uthred

"Lady it is uthreds men" aldhelm said moments later aethelflead appeared

"Did uthred send you what news of my daughter" aethelflead asked
"Your daughter is safe uthred has  returned to aegelesburg to bargain for your protection" sihtric said

"Is my daughter with him" aethelflead asked

"She is being cared for but she became unwell on the road" sihtric said
"The sickness" aethelflead asked

"We don't know it may not be she traveled a great distance on foot" young uthred said

"Take me to my daughter" aethelflead said

(At aegelesburg)

Stiorra and freja were helping Father Pyrlig hand out grain when a fight kicked off causing uthred to step in since no one else would

"Listen to me I know you are suffering and you are hungry but everyone turning on each other will not save you, you must work together as one quarreling amongst yourselves will not help now step back in line you will be given what you need you want grain then keep the peace amongst yourselves" uthred said calming everyone down and going to his daughters

"Are either of you hurt" uthred asked stiorra shook her head no

"Only a graze father nothing more" freja smiled

For days they spent in aegelesburg it was relatively peaceful people working together till the Sickness passed uthred was made lord of Mercia but gave it up for the woman he loved his daughters destiny did not lay within Mercia so when lady Aelswith returned to leave uthred and his men and daughters would escort her



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