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—4:00 pm, Tokyo

Walking in the parlour, you looked around your surroundings. It was a pretty simple parlour, minimalist furniture and a nice calm atmosphere. Without a second thought, you walked towards the front desk, clearing your throat. "Hello?"

A short woman, seemingly older than you, looked up from her computer. Your eyes slightly widened. She was covered in tattoos, which was hot asf ngl.

"I presume your yn?" You nodded back quickly.

"Alright, follow me to the back. Your artist is waiting."

Nodding again, you and the worker walked into a long hall way and she knocked on the door. "Sir? Your client is here."

The sound of shuffling was heard, and the girl turned around and faced you again, bowing then leaving.

Staying a foot away from the door, you waited for a minute or so for the man to reveal himself to you—he was probably busy with something.

Without much to do, you started to aimlessly scroll through your phone.

"Y/n, right?" A deep voice called for you, as you felt a presence cowering over you.

Looking up, you couldn't believe your eyes. It was him. The same guy you were hoping to see.

It was kageyama tobio.

Kageyama couldn't believe his eyes either, it was really you huh? Since when did he even do tattoos?

"Uh, hi." You said softly. "That's me."

Blinking twice, he grinned softly at you. "Come in." The door had opened and you saw just a simple tattoo workplace. "What were you thinking of getting?"

"Just something small haha" you said awkwardly.

Of course he didn't remember you. He's probably surrounded by girls all the time.

Showing him the inspo pic on your phone, he got to work immediately. His cold hands gave you goosebumps as he applied the gel to your arm, every touch feeling almost electric.

You didn't know how to talk to him. The air wasn't awkward though, just a bit tense.

While he got to work on your right arm, you tried to ignore the pain by scrolling on your phone aimlessly on your other hand.

He was the one who broke the silence first.

"How do you know Shoyo?"

"We met through a friend a few years ago." His eyes never met yours as he focused entirely on the tattoo.

"Nice," he responded. "You might not know this, but I went to high school with him."

"Volleyball, right?" Kageyama looked up at the mention of the sport. "You play pro volleyball, no?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Tattoos and modelings only a part time job for me, I'm mainly focused on volleyball though."

You nodded. "Thats nice."

"So uh, you getting this tattoo for someone special?"

Real smooth kageyama, real smooth.

"Oh no, I don't have a boyfriend." You sheepishly shrugged.

Kageyama smiled softly. "Oh."

Another wave of silence hit you two.

"Do really like the last of us?" You questioned him.
"Haha how did you know?" He chuckled. "Oh it's just ur tattoo lol"

"Yeah I really like the game lol, you play?" You nodded enthusiastically. "YES—I mean yeah, I play." He laughed softly at your shyness. "Loosen up, n/n."

Your eyes widened at the nickname. Brushing it off with a chuckle, you continued to talk with kageyama occasionally throughout the entire session.

It was really nice and refreshing to talk to him—as he valued your opinions and he had just this nice calm aura towards him.

Hinata, on the other hand described him as a giant great king who was awkward and goofy asl. Was this really the kageyama Hinata once knew?

"Alrighty, you're done." He clapped his hands together and rubbed them, looking at his final piece.

"Thank you, kageyama-san." You bowed at him. "Tobio." He responded. "What?" "Just tobio is fine lol"

"Oh okay, you can call me y/n then. How much do I owe you?"

He rubbed the nape of his neck. "Well, since your shoyos friend, I'll give you a discount. 100 sound fair?"

You nodded gratefully, inserting your card into the machine and prepared to leave the parlour.

"Thank you once again"

"Yeah of course, can I have your Instagram?" Your eyes widened at his confidence. "I'd like to see how your tattoo looks like after a while, occasionally drop ins yk"

You had a small frown. Of course he wasn't into you, he's kageyama tobio.

"Right, it's yn.nnie." He pulled out his phone and immediately followed you.

Bowing at him, you softly smiled and waved as you prepared to leave the parlour.

"Bye, Tobio!"

He simply nodded, watching you walk out of the parlour.

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