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8:00 AM, TOKYO.

Your footsteps halted as you entered the main lobby—god it was so crowded.

The lobby was the hive of the activity; employees running with dozens of fabric bags in hand, groups huddled over last minute discussions, and the constant hum of footsteps, discussion, and phone calls. The air smelled of coffee and stress, and no one could register anything that was going on.

This was it. This was the pinnacle point of the first step of her becoming a fashion designer.

Ever since you were little, you loved designing clothes and had a fascination for designing things—so when you went to Nekoma, you started making clothes for yourself and Kuroo and Kenma.

Before you could continue exploring, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Y/n, right?"

You turned around, facing a girl you've never seen before. She was really pretty actually—medium build and a formal work attire with minimal makeup.

You nodded. "Yes, nice to meet you!"

She only nodded, signaling you to follow you down a long hallway.

"Your job is simple; take care of clients, give them coffee, food, etc. don't be late, don't be stupid, and lastly, don't speak unless spoken to."

You nodded weakly as you tried to keep up with her fast pace walking.

"As you may already know, you'll be working under faction 24, one of the lowest levels in SOM interprises. Calvin Klein still has big shot celebrities in the world who get photographed here, so be careful not to do anything embarrassing. Our company is strict and won't condone any kind of misconduct. We clear?" She had stopped at a door.

"Yep," you sighed.

So strict what da hell

"Good. My name is Anna, let me know if you need anything." She softly shoved you into the room, locking the door behind you.

"You! Over there!" Another voice called for you.


"Go help the client adjust his jacket," he pointed at the man who was sitting on a chair under fluorescent lighting, currently too busy posing for the camera.

Holy shit. It was the man from the elevator—in a jacket, and jeans—no shirt whatsoever.

"Hello?" He snapped at you in front of your face.

Breaking from your trance, you nodded quickly, walking towards him as the other employees were hurriedly adjusting the lighting and scrambling around like rats.

Trying not to look at him, you fixed his jacket, which was currently a bit too tight on the sleeves.

Gulping, you touched the soft jean material, quickly pulling the sleeve down gently.

"Oh—it's you." He said.

Looking up, you nodded.


You took a closer look at his face—he had some makeup on, and his hair looked a lot more curlier. The lighting really did him justice.

"Get out of the view!" Someone yelled out loud.

Breaking eye contact first, you had walked away to the sidelines before he could ask for your name.

The cameraman started to take photos of him in various poses, and god he was gorgeous.

"Cute, right?" A voice whispered beside her.

Looking over, she saw a girl with very bright pink hair, with a giggle on her face.

"I'm Kimi Motoya! Nice to meet you!"

You let out a breath of exhale.

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n." Bowing at her.

" first day?"

You nodded. "Yup."

"Jeez, you've met Ana, haven't you?"

This time, your face had a little bit of a frown to it as you nodded again.

You didn't really like her.

"I totally agree with you, she's a real handful." she laughed out loud. "Don't worry bout it tho, ya got me! I'll help ya get settled in."

She was definetly from somewhere near hyogo.

"Thank you," you smiled at her.

"First of all, you seem to young to be full time—which Uni do you go to?"

"I'm a first year, fashion major at tokyo uni," you responded back.

"Ohhh nice—anyways," she pointed at the stranger.

"You may not know, but that's kageyama tobio."

Your eyes widened.

"Kageyama tobio? As in like schewiden alders kageyama?"

She nodded.

"Yeah he's like some big shot, super hot though."

You couldn't argue with that.

The rest of the day consisted of you and kimi talking about scheduling, and general rules.

You didn't get a chance to talk to kageyama again that day. Although, he was a literal celebrity and you barely have 4000 followers on twitter.

And as you walked out of the office that day, you had a soft smile.

It was actually, pretty fun.

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