I know it's only been a chapter but I kind of wanna change a few things

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Okay so Like the Title said I kinda wanna change a few things.

Like for starters I wanna change the fact she has wings and antlers, because, like TiredPersonKeiKei said, it's cringe. I must have been high on orange juice when I wrote it, but I'll just keep the wings except it'll be small, like, as small as a child's hand and floating. It'll be basically a mix of the souls she has.

Next is the fact she's a hybrid demon... (Really don't know why I wrote that) And the fact she has a urge to 'follow Muzan' I just didn't like it after the chapter was published, since I didn't want to change it after it was published, I really regretted it. She technically 'Lakira' which is what I will now call 'Chikara' for your sake and mine. Lakira is what I called the species the cat was in the fanfic this was before so yea.

Last is the fact Nezuko was petting Shiroi in the beginning of Chap 1, it just makes me feel weird so pretend that whole part never happened.

Okay, now I need to go on Crunchyroll and suffer 8 ads just to watch a Demon-Slayer episode so I can write the next chapter, or that will be tomorrow considering it's getting late and I have school tomorrow, BYE!

If i was in demon slayer as a catWhere stories live. Discover now