ELEVEN | Field Trip |

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Being a kid, the only thing that I really look up to was the annual school trip

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Being a kid, the only thing that I really look up to was the annual school trip. More so when we have to take a flight. Currently on our way to the airport, we will be going for a three day two night trip to Washington D.C.. The capital city of USA.

My parents were more than joyful to kick me out from the house to touch some grass. I don't even know how they know the term. Probably Noah teaching them. 

"Hello? Earth to Vernon? We're here already." I was woken up from my thoughts by Iris who was giddy to be on an airplane. The more I'm with her, the more I knew she acts like a child with the mere thought of going away from school.

I hang my headphones on my neck as I grabbed my luggage from the bus as we graced ourselves on the busy airport of California. I looked around to see my friends lounging around like little kids. Oliver, the new kid had joined our circle due to Noelle's influence.

"Ollie looks like he has a puppy crush on Noelle. Isn't that cute?"

"Kinda like you have for me."

"Hey! I do not have a crush on you okayy!!"

Iris punched my arm playfully as I chuckled. I looked back at Oliver who only has an awe expression towards Noelle. Probably crushing on her hard. Noah was with Skylar dancing around like a cute couple.

"All right boys and girls. I got all of our tickets. Let's go grab the plane before it leaves us."

The teacher already called us to go to the gate. Holding Iris' hand in mine, I guided her towards the ever busy airport. I looked over to her and she was blushing(?) Was this the first time she ever experienced a pure love connection? Didn't her past exes do this? Or that was different?

Then I should show her a different experience:

The experienced her and the unexperienced me.


It took around 5-6 hours in the air to finally reach Washington. It was already touching the evening time. We're supposed to have dinner on our own around the area surrounding our hotel. Tomorrow was the big day where we would tour the white house and shopping for souvenirs around the area. Following the day after was our departure day.

"Babe, I'm going to eat with my friends tonight." Iris asked as we checked in our hotel. I turned around to see the busy street that was filled with cafes and restaurants.

"All right. Stay safe." I kissed her lips softly before we quickly head up to our respective rooms before cleaning up. I was roommate to no one's surprise, Noah.

"Sup dingus." I half way greeted him as I laid down my bed. Unpacking all my stuff as I got ready for my date. Noah and Skylar had already planned their usual night out with Noelle going out with her group of friends leaving me alone.

Getting my hoodie and black jeans, I head out to have dinner by myself. Or so I thought, I looked down the hallway to see Oliver alone waiting for the elevator. I picked my pace to reach him just in time for the door to open.

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