Chapter 4

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Days off were so rare that it felt odd being in my house with nothing to do. I’d finished my laundry, cleaned my house, gotten groceries and even painted my nails. There was nothing left and I felt myself losing my mind. When I only had myself to care for it was like I didn’t know what to do with my time.

I’d managed to make it two days before I caved and texted Harry. I just wanted his company more than anything. It was weird not having any of the boys around. I’d spent my first night at home in a heated Draw Something battle with Liam. They were my family in an odd way.

They had three weeks off and I knew that I would still have things to do for them in that time as they were never truly “off” but after the insanity of the first leg of the tour, I didn’t know what to do with calm.

So when Harry agreed to come over and hang out with me on the third day, I was more than a little excited to have something to do. It’d been nearly two months since the start of things between Harry and I. I’d completely given up on trying to stop it and had learned instead to embrace it. It was fun and sexy and it made me feel good. I’d stopped trying to find wrong in it and just let go. Sure, the fear of Paul or Simon catching on was legitimate and very real but it was actually kind of fun.

When Harry finally came over I sighed in relief at the sight of him and hugged him so tight it made him laugh. I’d bought snacks and rented movies and put far too much effort into supplying things for our hang out even though I knew full well we’d probably abandon all of it for the bedroom.

I flicked the pocket of his grey t-shirt that had a heart with the word Lover emblazoned on it and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Thought it fitting,” he smirked and I shook my head at him and curled my fingers around the back of his neck, going up on my tiptoes to bring my lips closer to his.

“I’m sure you did.”

I kissed him hello, which was a little out of character. We didn’t really do those kind of things. We saved our kisses for the heat of the moment but for some reason I just wanted to press my lips to his, even if it was brief.

I took his hand off my hip and pulled him into my house towards my couch. He laughed at me for setting up my coffee table with treats and movie selections but I could tell he was excited to just kick back and not do anything.

He picked out our first movie and went to my DVD player to put it in. His black jeans nearly below his butt when he bent over to put the movie in. I threw popcorn at his butt and he glared at me playfully over his shoulder.

I was actually a little surprised to find that we made it through the entire movie. We curled up under one of my blankets with my legs in his lap. He massaged my calves and rubbed my thighs while I played with the curls sticking out of the back of his grey beanie. It was nice to just relax and be with him.

Lately, things were shifting between us and I wasn’t sure how to take it. I found myself wanting things with him that weren’t my typical desires. If we were walking next to each other, I wanted to hold his hand. I found myself wanting to make him smile. Wanting to hear the sound of his voice or feel him pressed behind me when I’m trying to fall asleep. And I knew I wasn’t alone although I wasn’t entirely sure exactly how he felt.

But I never missed when he’d graze the back of his finger on the back of my hand when he’d walk passed me. Or the looks he’d give me when they’d get interviewed backstage. How he’d text me how beautiful I am even though he was just across the room from me. Maybe he really was just an epic flirt, but it felt like something more than sex was starting to happen between us and that made me more nervous than anything else.

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