Chapter 1: A reliable friend

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It was dark, dark and paintfull. I fell like a fell from 4th floor and i survived with gust the 50% of the brain and 50% with the body.
I was stretched out in a soft place. Warm and smell like blood.
I tried to open my eyes, it was like impossible to do that, i was felling like i was woke up at 6 a.m. and i don't want to because i need to sleep.
But every second i was tryijg to open my eyes i was hearing some voices, children's voices.
They were calling to me, i don't know what they we're saying about, all they're saying in the same time. I don't know what they want to say but i think it was to say like ,'Wake up!' ,or somethink like that.
I woke up and i saw a light in front of my face. Like a light bulb, but i think it was because i was in a room.

I stand up, i felt pain in my head like i never experienced before.
It was a room of a bed , all coverd in blood.... God.
The bed was in a corner in the room of the right, right corner.
A portraid was in the next corner of the bed.
And the left part of the room has, a blackbored next to the door, and in the right corner of the left part ofthe room was like mini-library having book and tool box , a red one with some white and pink decorations.
And a chair and a tabel with a book on the tabel , a bible.
And the floor was having a trail to the bed to the door. I was thinking ," How many people they've been hit and broth here ?".
The door was like 1700s door, it was in a wood , an old one.
And was like a part of her in the middel was like barres that look like a prison, like it wasn't when you see the room.
I was looking much and i saw a leader , going up in the wall, i go to her and i climbed it, i was at the top , it was a hall and yellow door at the end of it.
It was looked.
Normal, in a place like this.
I was back to the room, i find some chalk on the blackbored and i red somethink like:
" My name is Geo , and i'll have to be good if i need to escape this school from this Evil Nun."

Then i got bored , i was thinking if maybe i can exit this room and go around the school i can escape but then i think , if i exit now this room the Nun With The Hammer it can hit me again , and i don't know how much can i resist this time.

So i staid in the chair calm and quiet.

Then i was in my mind, i was thinking, how i can exit this place? Why this nun hates me? And i'll stay from now on here , in this murder place with that evil person?

*Knock , Knock , Knock*
I turn my back it was a vent down to the table and i heard a voice.
I got down to know who was and it was , suprising , the same boy that i saw in the bouth , it was in the vent.

-Hello ,i'm sorry i didn't ADVISED to run in that moment , but like you, i'm scared of her to. , he said.
-By the way, I'm William, William Bismarch. I was a student of this school a long time ago.
-This place was a beautiful place once, but after the incident.... everythink went up-side down.
-I spend all most 30 years in here to escape , me and the other , but with no luck , but...
....but perhapse you can help me, if you want , but you need to promise me that you can keep your word to same this children. Can i trust you?
-Y-Yes , you can trust me!, i said to him.
-Good , he said with a happy normal smile.
-I will tell you how can you survive here. First Wellcome to Egale Junior Hight School, or at least it was once. Here in this school somethink bad happend here a long time ago.
-And after what append , everyone dissapierd in gust one night. To Techears to Children. I was the only one that Survived that night, and from that moment, i stay here.
-This school has many places , many secret passages ,and many eras that are locked but you can unlocked them by exploring them.
-Here , in this place, somethink evil is happeing , a ritual, a massacer , and something illegal with some children looked in the Laudry to make somework to have thia place some money that thi splace isn't looked down.
Because this Nun, This Evil Nun, is mad, insane and ..evil person , likes to torture people , especialy children like you.
This nun , once was a good person ,but somethink happend to her that turn her evil, she does not know anymore anything. To be a good person , to have a soul and... to fell love.
I here, is a long and dark history of this place and i will be glad to tell you the hole story but.. anfortunetly we don't have much time, even now when this nun is walking around the school. You have to hide or run to survive her. Is the only way.
-You, looking at that red box there is a button, pres it and you'll enter in a large era , go find what it looks like a bunker , you'll find a cup , a blue magic cup , pick it up and put it in the padistel , where is her place.
You need to find a Broken Mask.
This Broken Mask is not gust an ordonary mask but a mask that when are all pieces togheter it has a power. With this power you can ... i know it sounds strange but is real, he can telleport to you in my bouth. My bouth is locked so good that not this nun can enter or i can escape.
I need you to do that're my only hope that you , me and the children to escape from this Nun.
If you want to beggin to collect the pieces , i'll start fixing the bridge, you need 3 fuses. One is in the kitchen , in the dinning room and one in the nun's room , i don't know where but maybe is in Sister Edna's room , she was the one that had this thinks.
Anyway, becareful , if you hear her , walk in the oposite way, and if she sees you , run until you see a bed or a closet to hide is your best option , don't fight her , trust me.
I will hide you notes to follow instructions if you done one already.
Follow the blue prints.
See you well and Good Luck.

And now my journey beggin , God help me in this.
I did a sing CROSSES and i moved to tge door.

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