Beast is insane to beauty

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A footsteps alert Zhakia the footsteps is so close to her door but she has nothing to do at this point, she was tied up.

The door opened the creek terrified her because she knows the person who was scarier than a wild animal.

"Hello my beloved" the darkness I can't see the person's face but I know that cold tone

It thunder

The rain is heavy it keep thundering at this night

If I'm right the time right now should be at in the middle of the night and every one is asleep, but not this place.

That beast face.

The scar on his left eye, red sharp eye looking down on me and the most terrifying smirk in his face.

"What do you want?" I said it with my disgusted reaction towards him, he just laughed like a villain.



I was disgusted when he called me 'Darling' even though he just kidnapped me, my servant's, my nephew and my people are looking for me they know who kidnapped me but the duke



He knew that people whare close to me will find me and suspect him, by creating this terrifying mansion in the middle of the deep dark forest where no one dare even try to go.

But I am sure they will and will always come for me.

The batler came running to the door

As I expected my smile escape my face.


A smile on my face widen as I look at the window smiles and one of my people See's me "that's lady Zhakia!"
"We will save you from that Beast!"
"Give me my cousin back!"
They all screaming and keep barging the door to open.

Trison closed the curtain smiling down at me "they will never touched you, NO ONE WILL!" he laughed and laughed like a maniac.

While he's laughing so uncomfortably I saw a candle near me I moved the chair a little closer, once I was there I put the rope that was tied around my hand and flaim it

But i was too late Trison already have a sword smiling and the red bloody eye of him steering down on me.

I escaped the rope and free my self but I'm still not free yet.

In panic I accidentally bump the candle and it starting to get in fire in the rug I care noless even Trison I've try to run but it was a stupid move.

What's the point?

I'm gonna die anyway, if I die I'll bring him with me.

Trison grab my wrist and pull me towards him.

I'm disgusted just looking at his face.

"Oh love you came running to me! Ahahaha, I knew you love me TOO." His sword running to my face while pulling me close to him.

"Don't worry, your husband is here to keep you SAFE! FROM THAT ANIMALS WITH TOUCHES!" His smiles is the creepiest thing than a monsterest beast

"You will never be able to touch me again when they've arrived!" You can notice how terrified I am still I have my voice screaming at him.

"Oh how adorable you are my LoVE! ahaha-HAHAHAHA!"
"You think they can stop ME!?" his red eye's, his laugh everything is more scaryer than any wild animal in this forest.

He pulled me closer and stabbed my by the chest

Everything become blurry and he force to took my heart out laughing and I fell

Darkness came to me, it's so dark

"If only i take one more chance to see my family once more"

Beauty destroy the beast Where stories live. Discover now