Chapter 1 - Assembly?

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"Goooood MORNING Teyvat High! This is your principal speaking, it's time for the morning announcements!"
The microphone switches to another person. "Today is Friday, November 1st and world HELLO! Day!"

The people on the intercom continue on whatever they're yapping about. "These random national or worldwide days are just a waste of time, there's no point in knowing them
so let me sleep in PEACE." Yanfei bangs her head against the desk as she attempts to find a comfy position to lay her head on. Y/N on the other hand decides it's time to torture her by caressing her arm.. it's just something she does. Another one was watching it happen and just let it happen.. that other one being Hu Tao!

"Y/N STOP TOUCHING ME!" Yanfei may have said that a bit too loud as the teacher, Faruzan, looked at the back of the room whilst pulling her rectangle glasses down and shooting up an eyebrow. "No touching eachother girls." some kids started snickering as so did they.

"Andd that's it for the announcements!"

There was a pause on speaker..? You could hear chatting as the mic was covered. One of the deans started speaking instead now.

"Attention all seniors. Please report to the auditorium at the end of period 1. You are called for an emergency assembly.. thank you."

The intercom cut off. Hu Tao turned around from the seat in front of Y/N, twisting her body and placed her elbows on the desk  and asked, "Yo what was that?" Yanfei tilted her head up, "Might be about the fight between Scaramouche and Childe.. but who knows?"  Hu Tao stated, "But that's such old news.. I heard from Chiori it was only like two—three weeks ago.." Y/N said, "Yeah, if it was about that then they would've done those anti-bullying assembly's a whileee ago" "True.." Hu Tao turned to the front after saying her last words before the lesson began.

Madam Faruzan got up from her seat and grabbed her yard stick. She slammed it against the white board and everyone took that as the sign to take out their school issued Chromebooks to open up the Google Classroom. "For today's assignment, you will log into CodeDotOrg and finish programming your chosen project. If you need help, then don't be afraid to ask."

Y/N whispers, "You say that but then continue walking around with a whole ass yard stick..." 

They all start to work, few conversations in between about the assembly.. but period 1 went by fine. The group of kids in the front corner near the door were guessing it was about the scheduled fight between two random kids it's so stupid to "schedule" fights, like do you WANT to get caught? The kids in the middle of the room were huddled up together with their desks brought close and everything and their guess was that it may be about some middle of the year events.. "Maybe a winter formal?" One girl said.. her other friends followed up with maybe an early prom, a performance, visitors from a college, etc etc.. basically, they weren't getting their work done. "ooo! Maybe a new program or a club!" Yanfei excitedly whispered to Hu Tao and Y/N.

Y/N: "But wouldn't they wait till next year to introduce a new club? It's kinda odd to do it AFTER club rush.."

Hu Tao: "Yeah but it was only like.. a week ago maybe? Oh well.. we'll find out in..."

She glances over at the clock above the door and turns back around.

Hu Tai: "Oh! 10 minutes!"

Yanfei: "erggg.. Ive got to stop slacking.. it's only November.."

Yanfei groggily picked her head up from the desk and started to work on the assignment like she SHOULD'VE been doing the past hour.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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