The EYE Glass

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Hello, I am Raiyne. I grew up in Manila, Philippines. I came from a family that is not rich but not poor— just average. My mom works as a sewer and my dad as a Personal Driver. Growing up, my parents weren't always able to keep an eye on me. I was neither close to my mom nor my dad. I always hated them— I never liked them... I always thought they didn't like me so, and that they didn't care so I would always try and find someone to fill the void in my heart.

The first day of Grade 8 felt so scary, I was so anxious. Would someone try and be friends with me? "Tolentino, room na natin 'to, 'di ba?" I asked one of my classmates whom I had known since Grade 7.

Aba, wala manlang sagot. Ayaw mo ba ako kausapin? Please, someone talk to me. I'm literally so scared.

"Huy, Raiyne!" a girl screamed my name, and before I knew it, It was my best friend from Grade 7— Intia.

I looked, smiled and said "Okay lang ako. Ikaw? Nga pala, anong section mo?" she answered "Buhay pa naman, pero rambutan section ko. Halos magkalapit lang room natin, dun lang ako sa building na 'yun." she said while pointing the building where her homeroom is located at.

Before I could even answer what she said our adviser already called us and said "Pasok na. Time na, it's already 8:00 A.M.". Everyone entered our classroom, but before entering I hugged my best friend. I was the last person in our section to enter our homeroom but before entering I saw an Adviser from the other section. There were 5 rooms in that hallway, and I saw her room located in the middle— the 3rd room.

I looked as she said "Class, pasok na." to her students while standing at the doorstep and I was sure stunned, she looked so gorgeous. She was wearing this black eyeglass, her hair was untied, she was wearing this Casio Black Watch on her wrist, she was wearing her teacher's I.D. and her black shoes. After looking at her, I entered our homeroom and sat down.

Time passed and I had nobody to talk to, I felt like I was in the unknown— I didn't know what to do, I was sweating so much and I kept looking everywhere. Time went by not until I realized it was English time— the 3rd subject before recess.

The English teacher entered our classroom and before I knew it, it was the adviser I saw from the 3rd room. We all stood up, we didn't know who she was so she said: "Good morning, class! Well I am sure you all do not know me. I am Ms. Madridano, Janice J. — your English teacher. Now, good morning!".

I am so surprised! I can't believe she's my teacher in English. She looks stunning.

"Good morning, Ms. Madridano!" we all said in a lousy way. "Class next time, gusto ko clear ha, don't be lousy." our teacher added.

Before starting the class on the first day of school in English, rules and regulations have always been a thing. "Well, before discussing English I'd like to discuss rules and regulations, I won't give much so you can follow."

"Number 1, I want everyone to try and speak English in my time— even if you're not fluent, that's okay. I will help every one of you, in this class we help each other.", she added "Is that clear?".

"Yes po." some replied to her. "Number 2, ayaw ko ng disrespectful. It's either you're smart in my class but disrespectful or you're respectful but not smart in my class. Mas matimbang ang pagiging respectful kesa sa pagiging matalino, know that!".

"Lastly, ayaw ko ng ginagalit ako. I am kind, I am patient, but do not test me. I am not kind to those who aren't. Mas matinding magalit ang isang mabait." Ms. Madridano said.

After the rules and regulations, she went ahead and started discussing English Quarter 1, Week 1. "Okay class, today's topic is Context Clues. Before starting, I would like to give you all a pre-test to know if you're already familiar with this topic;"

Time passed and I was just staring at my teacher. She looks intimidating, but she looks kind. All I could think of at that time was her teeth— she wears braces. She looks so beautiful. The way she stares at us makes me wanna leave the class but also makes me wanna reach out to her and talk with her, her accent is so sosyal!

After looking at her for like a year, the bell rang— it was lunch break. It's the end of English class, "You may now take your recess. Goodbye, class.". I was thinking in my mind— "Erm ma'am? Can I eat with you?"

After my teacher walked out of our classroom, I walked out too and saw her entering her homeroom. I followed and looked at her from the door but I didn't go inside instead I kept going and went down the stairs to go to my friends so we could eat together.

While eating with my friends Intia and Dela Peña, we were talking about how our first day went. But the whole time we were eating, I wasn't talking much— I was just staring at a wall in the cafeteria while chewing my food.

While staring at a wall Intia slapped me gently in my face and said "Huy! Okay, ka lang?"

"Tangina mo talaga. Oo, okay lang ako bhe." I said in startle.

"Gaga, nakatulala ka. Okay ka lang nun, sa tingin mo?" Dela Peña said to me. Intia then asked, "May crush ka 'no? Tas naiisip mo s'ya?"

"Hoy, para kang tanga. Wala 'no?" I jokingly replied.

After all that happened that day, I went home but I still couldn't forget my teacher's face— teaching, asking us who wanted to raise a hand and answer her questions.

Wala akong ibang naiisip nung gabing yun all I was thinking was about her, until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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