Chapter 7: The Gathering Storms

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Sakura Dorm, Sakura Empire
Kaga POV

Akagi decide to have Tribunal to be staying with us until we figure things out for her, but a lot has happen to her that she is still sleeping like a log; she is almost like Shinano when she sleeps which we don't blame her after what happens to her, but we worry about her coughing which occur once in a while which almost sounds like Amagi when she coughs. Whoever did this to a child will pay dearly, but with the expression of Nagato; I think we're going to suffer the same fate as this child if we encounter this person. We decide to have Amagi to see Tribunal for the first time since she can't leave yet due to recovery from her training. We both enter our dorms and see Amagi drinking her tea while sitting underneath the umbrella which she notice us.

Amagi(happy): "Hey there Akagi and Kaga; what brings you here today?"

I try my best to hide the surprise since Akagi decide to have Tribunal to be living with us since she got no place to go and we fear that she is going to have a nightmare again if we leave her alone and she is more comfortable with me than everyone else.

Akagi: "Dear sister Amagi; we were wondering that we have someone living with us."

Amagi(confuse): "Do we got a new kansen and they got no place to put her?"

Akagi nod and signal me to show Amagi; Tribuanl which she found it cute."

Amagi(cute): "She is so cute; she looks like a smaller version of Kaga, but she didn't know that she is a spaceship kansen."

Amagi: "So who is the father?"

Akagi spew her drink laughing while I try to explain things to Amagi which she was confuse, but she did notice the spaceship that was on the airfield, but she didn't expect it to be a child. Amagi wants to hold her which she did while Tribunal is sleeping, but coughing at the same time which shock Amagi.

Amagi(confuse): "Is she?"

We both nod and explains to her that she can't be fix due to situation that we don't have the power to do which makes her sad that a child is suffering the same illness as her and decide to comfort her while we do business with Nagato about the situation yesterday.

Time Skip
Sakura Dorm, Sakura Empire
Amagi POV

I watch Akagi and Kaga left the room to continue with their job while I watch over the child which she is still sleeping, but than I notice that she is shivering like crazy as if she is having a nightmare.

???(crying): "Please don't go; Where are you sisters?"

She is dreaming about her sisters which I decide to comfort her while humming like a mother which calm her down a lot and went to sleep. She must have a bad past life for her to cause a worst nightmare. I sit on the bench and watch the sun while comfort the poor kansen and make sure that no nightmares will come near her again.

Time Skip
Imperial Palace, Sakura Empire
Kaga POV

I'm with Akagi at the Imperial Palace where Yamato is sitting on her throne along with Nagato and her sisters while we talk about the situation at the training grounds. Yamato was also inform about Tribunal and her powers which she agree that we need to keep this a secret otherwise the other factions will capture her and do something to her.

Yamato: "For now; I approve of Tribunal to be under supervision of Akagi and her kins."

Atago(sad): "I was going to enjoy have a small child to hug."

Takao: "You're going to hug her to death if we let you have a child."

That sent a sword though Atago because everyone knows that is true while at the same time Akagi thank the Great Yamato for allowing this which makes her happy, but she was hoping that I was going to be happy, but this is expected as ever.

Yamato: "Back to topic about the cubes."

The meeting has occur about the cubes which we agree that we're going to discuss more at the resorts which was plan by Akagi and Nagato while at the same time have planes for the Ladies of the Day which is Suruga and Shimakaze, but of course we're going to allow Tribunal to join us since she was also involve with the incident.

Yamato: "We're going to discuss the plans further tomorrow, but for now keep your eyes open for any Sirens and Nagato I want to discuss about something with you."

The meeting has been dismiss and we went back to the dorms to see what Amagi and Tribunal is doing, but Akagi has another plan in mind which it's going to be me.

Time Skip
Sakura's Dorm, Sakura Empire
Kaga POV

I return to the dorm and see Amagi is feeding Tribunal with some food before she notice me.

Amagi(happy): "Hey there Kaga; how's the meeting?"

Kaga: "We're going to the resort to discuss our plans and talk with the girls that was involve with the incident including Tribunal."

Tribunal look at me with confusion, but at least she has life in her body while at the same time getting feeding by Amagi who is enjoying this.

Tribunal(confuse): "Resort?"

Amagi: "The resort is where we held our main festivals and only higher ups is allow on the island unless there are a festivals there. You never been to a festival before?"

Tribunal shake her head and Amagi decide to invite her when one of the festivals comes along. We spend the entire day together while Akagi is having a meeting with someone, but I think a future is bright for Tribunal who is getting closer to me which Amagi was giggle.

Amagi: "Looks like someone is her favorite."

To be Continued..... 

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