Oddity at the shop

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The bell above the door jingled lightly as Stolas and Octavia stepped into the dimly lit taxidermy shop tucked away in a crowded corner of the pride ring. The air was heavy with the scent of preserved creatures and old wood, shelves lined with glass eyes and mounted specimens of creatures both familiar and bizarre.
Octavia's eyes widened with curiosity, taking in the array of oddities displayed around them. Stolas, ever indulgent of his daughter's interests, smiled fondly as he watched her excitement.
"Father, look at this!" Octavia exclaimed, pointing to a shelf filled with miniature creatures preserved in jars of formaldehyde. "They're so... strange and fascinating."
Stolas chuckled softly, joining her at the shelf. "Indeed they are, Octavia. Taxidermy shops always have a way of showcasing the peculiarities of the underworld."
They wandered deeper into the shop, exploring each corner with a mix of awe and amusement. Octavia was drawn to a display of ethically sourced feathers, each shimmering with iridescent hues under the shop's dim lighting.
"These are beautiful," Octavia murmured, gently running her fingers over the delicate feathers. "I wonder what kind of bird they came from."
Stolas glanced over, his gaze softening as he admired his daughter's wonder. "Perhaps a species from the Abyssal Plains, where colors are said to be more vibrant than anywhere else in Hell."
They continued their exploration, sharing observations and occasionally debating the artistic merit of some of the more eccentric pieces. Octavia's enthusiasm was infectious, and Stolas found himself relishing these moments with her, away from the pressures of their respective lives.
As they reached the back of the shop, Octavia paused in front of a particularly imposing display: a large, intricately preserved demon spider suspended in a glass case. Its eight legs were frozen in a predatory stance, mandibles poised as if ready to strike.
"Wow," Octavia breathed, studying the details of the creature. "Imagine encountering one of these in the wild."
Stolas nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Yes, indeed. They are formidable predators, highly adapted to their environment."
They lingered there for a while longer, silently appreciating the craftsmanship of the taxidermist who had captured the essence of these creatures in death. Eventually, Stolas gently guided Octavia towards the exit, their visit coming to an end.
As they stepped back into the bustling streets of Hell, Octavia turned to her father with a smile. "Thank you for taking me here, Father. It was... unexpectedly fascinating."
Stolas returned her smile warmly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You are most welcome, my dear. It pleases me to see you exploring your interests."

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