A day out

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Stolas had always found solace in the quiet beauty of Earth's parks. Amidst Hell's chaos and the aristocracy's intricate politics, these serene oases offered him a rare chance to unwind. Today, however, he had a different reason for visiting the park.
Octavia, his daughter, had been feeling listless lately. The bustling nature of Hell wasn't always conducive to a child's happiness, especially for one as spirited as she. Stolas had noticed her longing gazes out the window, yearning for something more.
"Octavia," Stolas began one morning, finding her in her room, surrounded by plush toys and unfinished drawings, "would you like to go somewhere special today?"
Her eyes lit up at the prospect. "Where, father?"
"A park," Stolas replied with a gentle smile. "There's a park in the human realm that I think you'll find quite enchanting."
With Octavia's excitement palpable, they made their way to the portal, shimmering with otherworldly energy. Stepping through, they emerged into a serene clearing surrounded by towering trees and the gentle murmur of a nearby stream.
Octavia's eyes widened as she took in the sight. The grass was a vibrant green, dotted with colorful flowers, and the air was crisp and clean. She ran ahead, laughing as she chased butterflies that danced among the blooms.
Stolas watched fondly, marveling at her innocence and boundless energy. He had missed moments like these—simple joys untainted by the complexities of their world. Sitting on a nearby bench, he summoned a book from his coat pocket, content to let Octavia explore to her heart's content.
Soon, Octavia returned, a bouquet of wildflowers clutched in her small hands. She plopped down next to Stolas, grinning from ear to ear.
"Father, this place is amazing!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Can we come here more often?"
Stolas couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Of course, my dear. We can visit whenever you like."
As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the park, Stolas knew he had made the right decision. Octavia deserved moments like these—moments of joy and peace amidst the turmoil of their lives. And as they walked back towards the portal, hand in hand, Stolas silently vowed to make more memories like this with his beloved daughter.
For in the quiet corners of Earth's parks, where time seemed to slow and worries faded away, Stolas found not just solace, but a renewed sense of purpose—to protect and cherish the happiness of his precious Octavia, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

(most of these are when from via was a kid, if they arent you'll know)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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