Part 1 - I think, I'm Fallin in Love

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Jessica POV

"Mom, tomorrow I will go back to New York, I need to attend the important event." I walk closer to my mom that currently prepare table for dinner. I know that she will not happy but in the end I need to go. 

" I promise I will be back again as soon as possible." I hug her from behind and feel the warm of her body. She still silent and I know it is signed that she is unhappy. it has been 1 month after my dad passed away and I know it is not right time that I leave her and my sister alone, but I need to back to New York to finish my event there. 

"Jess, can you just stay? back home for good?" she said with trembling voice and I don't like it when see her like this. She still in deep pain lost my dad and she need me.

"Mom, give me 2 weeks, and I will back for good." surprise with my words, I'm not believe that broke my own promises that I will never come back to Korea again except holiday or visit my family.

My mom turn facing me and I can see through her eyes that she is in joy. 

"You promise me okay, you will return for good?"

"Don't worry mom, I will" I hug her with heavy heart. Never in my mind that my dad will be gone so fast and I as a first daughter doesn't have right to be thinking of my self while my mom and sister need me the most. 

It's 2 AM. I can sleep, and decide to out and drove my car around the town. I stopped my car in the place that I hate the most. The memories still hanging in there and I can feel the pain back hits me. 

"It's been 4 years, I though I was fine, but I think not." I sigh deeply and close my eyes to feel the air and my mix emotions.  I out from my car and walks toward the near bench in the riverside. Not many people in Hangang River because it's already midnight  until my eyes caught a couple walks while holding hand. I chuckled not expect there is people dating in this hours but can ignore that they look happy together, chatting and laughing. 

My heart flutters and feel weird see that moments. No no no, I shooked my head and better back to my car to back home. Stay here longer will recall all the memories with him. 

"OMG" My car wheels deflated and I'm shocked. How can in this time this happen and it's 3 A.M like will be difficult to find people or technician to help. Panic hits me and many times dial Jennifer number she is not pick up my call. "Oh Shit, what should I do?" Calm, calm, think who can help in this situation. Once I want to call my assistant suddenly I saw a man walk toward me with a scary appearance .

"Oh No......."

Kim Dong Hyuk

" Arrgggh, I'm lost totally lost and can't get inspiration." I think I need to back to my studio, this river totally cannot help me. It has been 1 weeks since my brain totally not working. I need to finish the arrangement but stuck in the lyric. I got the melody perfectly but cannot think the best word to make the song completes. Frustrated come over me and thinking how if I can write a song again? How if I'm stuck and cannot get the inspiration anymore. Only thinking this make me full in pain. I do love making music and enjoy write the good song that can please people ear and comfort them with whatever their situation. I don't know what into me that since last week I feel empty and lost motivation. 

" Ok I think enough for today. I need to back" I gets up from my sit and walks to car parking, not far from my position, I caught a woman looks like she has trouble with her car. 

"Excuse me, are you needed help?" wrong move from me, her face show clearly she is in fear when saw me. She tried to avoid me and enter her car.

"Don't afraid!" I stop and try to assure her that I'm not criminal. I open my mask and hat and shown my face to her so she can clearly see me. I don't know why I so concern but it's the hell 3 AM and she is alone in this empty area. I notice she is still silent and busy with her phone until she answered me.

"It's okay, I can call Taxi." Angelic voice.

Suddenly I feel like in heaven even know I never have vision going to heaven but when hear her voice I feel like my ear is please in joy. 

"Are you kidding. it's dangerous at this time, I will give you ride if you mind" Bam! Donghyuk what you're thinking, just saw you she is on fear how can me offer her to ride in the same car. I can see shocked in her face and look like she debate with what she thinking .

"Or maybe you have spare wheels and tools?" I try to correct my word. 

"Oh, let me check, I think there is one in my trunk." Finally she start more easy and feel at ease.

"Okay" I let her do the search because I think I need to move once she give a sign that she feel save with me. 

"I found one" She speak behind her car and peek at look at me still standing in my position. 

"Can I check?" I try to get her approval and when she nodded, I start make a move and do the work. 

"I will help you but you need to help me too." She look at me with question look and I explain to her what she need to do to help me repair the wheels. Again she only nodded her head and start to give me a hand based on my instruction. It took almost 1 hour I replacing the tires with the new one and I can feel that she is in alert mode watch me and help me when I needed.

"Finish! now it's will be safe!" I can see her expression totally change from fear, insecure, alert to calm mode. She sigh with grateful and give me the mineral water that moment ago she took from inside her car. 

"Thank you very much" OMG, she is so beautiful with that smile and her voice. My mood extremely change after lost motivation become high motivation.

"My pleasure, happy can help." I stare at her beauty and she smile again. 

" I must get going, once again thank you." She take the chance to leave and I don't want to miss the moment. 

"ah okay. wait, I am Donghyuk." She stare at me doubtfully but in the end still give me her name. 

"Jessica, my name Jessica" 

When I want to welcome her hand, notice that my hand still dirty. " Ah, wait wait..." I wash my hand with the water she gave me and wiping it at my shirt and land my hand. What surprise me next , she laughed! So breathtaking, I feel like complete just only because hear her voice, see her smile and laughed.

"I must get going, Thank you Donghyuk." She bid a goodbye and I just stood at my place froze amaze with her beauty and angelic voice. 

"Drive Slowly." I don't know she can hear my voice or not because I mention it almost inaudible. She in to her car and start drive leave the parking. When she finally gone from my side, I think that I'm Fallin in love at the first sight"

***to be continued

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