2:trouble makers

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Jordans POV


I felt sick to my stomach. Hurt, and used. I didn't even want to wrestle, I didn't even want to do the match anymore. We were up in 10 minutes and I could hear the crew looking for me. I pushed through anyway.

Use this as fuel for your match


It was Wrestlemania weekend. My flight to Los Angeles was the day of Wrestlemania 39 night one. Why they did it the day of I have no clue. Maybe to just make it seem like I wasn't going to go to mania? I didn't bother asking. It was what it was. Maybe this was the only flight they could get me on. Either way I was on my way to cali.

The plane ride was smooth. Thank god no one, at least to my knowledge, saw me considering the mass amount of wrestling fans I had to walk past. It was a miracle I wasn't recognized. I got to the hotel after getting a rental car and immediately had to go do some media interviews. I got changed into a nicer set of clothes and headed to the radio station. I wasn't a fan of doing interviews all that much but they were fun sometimes. I only really enjoyed them when they didn't want to talk about my time in RCW.

All of the good times in that place were ruined in one night.

I shook my head, trying to forget about those memories and made my way to my rental car. Once I finally got to the radio station, not without road rage, I sat down and got ready.

The radio host Jack started off the questions just as I thought he would. Asking me where I was going and who I'm signing with or who I'm signed to.

"But that just ruins the fun of keeping everyone guessing. I have a feeling that everyone knows though, whether they are a fan of mine or not, I think they know. And even then I think they'll be happy for me one way or another." I responded as professionally as I could and responded without trying to give away any information as possible.

"I assume you've seen the theories and rumors as to why you left AEW, such as it involving money, problems with other wrestlers backstage etcetera, can you give us any insight on that?" he asked me. I wasn't fond of this question, I hated it as a matter of fact because it just reminded me of everything that I didn't want to remember.

"I left because I needed to leave. The information that was sent out was all that I wanted people to know. I left on good terms with some of the wrestlers. Some not so much but we share mutual respect for one another." I stopped for a moment to gather my thoughts. And collect what words to say.

"My leaving didn't have to do with money or what some people may believe but me leaving that company was for myself and I. If I feel comfortable letting out that information I will or if I deem it necessary, but as of right now it feels too soon and unnecessary to let that information out." I spoke with a nice tone. I didn't want to come off as rude or anything because that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to be.

"How have the last few months of being a free agent been like? We've seen your posts on your socials, seeing how you've been enjoying some of your time." I smiled, I liked questions like these.

"They've been nice. It allowed me to go back to Australia for a while and see family and be there for birthdays and holidays. And it's also allowed me to revisit my old stomping grounds at RCW." I felt a small pang in my chest.

Damn it jay, pull your shit together that was years ago.

"But I miss being in the ring and laying people out. And you don't really get to do that when you're a free agent." I really did miss being in the ring in front of a live audience. It's the one thing that brings me happiness when I'm at my lowest.

"Speaking of RCW, you were there at the same time as Rhea Ripley and Indi Hartwell, two womens wrestlers who are amazing." I nodded. Doing my best to hide the hurt I felt at the mention of her.

"What was it like in that locker room?" Jack asked me and I had to take a moment to think of a response.

"That locker room was just.. it was wild. Rhea, Indi, and I coincidentally were the three trouble makers. We always played pranks and just got in trouble but we had fun. But all in all we had fun. We were crazy but you could always count on the three of us to make a show crazy and fun" I smiled softly through it. Talking about her in general hurt. What she did, hurt me. And it destroyed me from the inside out.

"I can imagine." We wrapped up the last of the interview and gave our predictions for Wrestlemania and talked about the current state of womens pro-wrestling.

"I think right now, at this very moment. Womens wrestling is at the top of the world and is becoming a bigger draw. Whether it's in the indies, or in big companies. The women are becoming the draw for fans. And the crazy part we're all only just getting started. The world hasn't even seen an iota of what the women in this business can really do." I spoke in a proud and fierce tone.

"Thank you for coming on to our show today. I can imagine that you're busy today and for the next few days so I'll let you go." I smiled

"no , thank you for having me and if anything I've got nothing but time to train and relax." I said my goodbyes and headed for the arena.

I wore a hat and sunglasses to as one would say 'hide' my identity. I enjoyed the start of the show. The matches were great. Then Charlotte flair came out..... Then Rhea.

She looked completely different than the last time I'd seen her in person. To say I was happy for her making it here to wrestlemania would be an understatement. But to say even after its been years since that night at the RCW show my heart still hurts knowing that I just wasn't enough for her. 

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