10: Deranged

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Rheas POV

I was pulled aside by Raquel, she looked at me kind of shocked and like she needed to tell me something.

"Did you hear about the rumors going around with AEW? Specifically Jordan Cassidy. Its insane." my stomach twinged. What kind of rumors? And they involved Jorlany... of all people.

I looked at Raquel confused. "No, what's going on?" She showed me her phone, showing me an article.

Raquel looked concerned. "She's gotten herself in quite the mess, even got released while holding the title." I looked at raquel.

"Those are just rumors. What that's saying is that she got into a fight backstage. I knew her, you know that, that doesn't sound like her. If that is true then someone or something must've pushed her to do that." I felt like something was wrong. Like there was more to the story. I felt a pang in the chest remembering the last few months I saw her. The way she was, our interactions, all just months before I left to go to a new country by myself.

Raquel pulled out a video of the camera footage of what happened backstage. My eyes widened as I watched. "Something definitely had to happen for her to do that. She's not, she's not naturally aggressive like that. She doesn't like legitimately throwing hands until push comes to shove and she feels like she needs to fight back, she will." I felt the need to contact her, like I needed to check on her, but I didn't.

"Then he must've done something to make her do that." Raquel put her phone away. "It's just crazy. People are calling her crazy and stuff." I couldn't help but just feel bad for her. I knew her. This wasn't like her at all.


Jordans POV

I woke up in my room in a cold sweat, feeling like I needed to vomit. Feeling like his hands were still on me. I sat on my bed hugging my knees.

"You're okay, you're okay. He's not here, you're home, safe." I kept telling myself the same thing over and over again. I got up out of bed shakily. I went to the bathroom and almost immediately threw up. I scratched at my skin so hard that I nearly started to bleed. I cleaned myself up and picked up my phone to make a call.

"Phil? Hi."

"What's up? it's 4 am." he sounded tired and exhausted.

"I- sorry I shouldn'tve called." I felt bad. I didn't want to bother him.

"No, no it's fine, what's up?" I spoke shakily.

"I can't escape him. He's in my dreams, my nightmares. I still feel his hands on me. Like his breath is still on my neck." I broke down. I could hear him sigh through the phone.

"I'm so sorry, kid. You don't deserve this." I heard him get up and grab his keys. He didn't live far from me. Hell we both lived like 15 minutes away from each other. We were both just outside of chicago.

"I didn't mean to bother you." I spoke sniffiling.

"Don't apologize. I told you to call me if anything. I'll be at your place in 15 okay?" I hummed. I couldn't help but feel bad. Like I was a burden of some sort. He hung up the phone and 15 minutes later he was at my door with donuts and coffee. We sat down at the kitchen island.

"What happened?" he asked softly.

I sucked in a shaky and heavy breath. "I- i don't know. I get these night terrors. Where that day just keeps replaying in my head, and all those months that I suffered. I'll wake up panicking, feeling like I need to throw up and just peel my skin off of me. I'll feel like I can't breathe and think straight. I have to tell myself that I'm home, that I'm safe." I looked at him wearily, I hated feeling vulnerable. But I hated living life on edge and with my guard up 24/7.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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