Hurt/Strange Feelings

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One Month Into the School Year

Kiseop POV

Ever since the day Kevin almost drowned, I find myself looking out for him more and more. He's quite clumsy, tripping here and there, dropping his pencils in class. God he needs to get a grip.
But.... I feel strange... Like whenever I see him, my heart skips a beat.
No no I must be crazy... I couldn't be in love with Kevin Woo.
I'm straight, only straight, strictly straight, nothing but STRAIGHT.
There's absolutely no way... Or is there..?
Well, I'm not going to test it out and see, so I'll ignore it... And him. Then I can avoid the feeling as much as possible.

Unable to bear my thoughts any longer, I resort to distracting myself. I bend down and slip a video game into the console and begin to play.

Kevin POV

"Kiseop, It's the weekend. Why cant I go out?" I whine and stomp my feet on the ground.
"Because, I don't trust you being by yourself." He mutters. "The only way you're going is if I'm going, so absolutely not." And with that, he sticks his nose back into his useless video game. I sigh and step behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Please. Let's go." Kiseop's face flushes red and I giggle.
"Please.. or I'll switch roommates!" I add. He pauses the game and shoves me off. "Fine, but only this one time. If you ask me again, I'll be the one switching roommates." He snaps.
I look away, set aback by his tone.
"Kiseop, are you okay?" I gather my strength back up and look into his eyes.
"You've been acting quite strange lately, so I want to know what's up."
Kiseop glares at me. I can see his eyes glint with rage.
"Look, are we going or not? Kevin I can't deal with your shit for much longer." He sneers. "Maybe I really should ask Jaesop to switch us."
For some reason, my eyes begin to sting.
My vision becomes blurry and I feel tears streaming down my face.
"Fine then I'll leave!" I sob and run up towards my bed, taking my clothing out of the drawers and throw them into my suitcase. Kiseop stands downstairs where he was before, frozen like a statue. He doesn't even come up to try and stop me or tell me he's sorry.
The tears continue pouring as I walk back down the stairs, suitcase on hand.
"Kevin." I hear Kiseop blurt. He stands in front of me, blocking the door.
"Get out of the way!" I yell and push him to the side. Once I step out, I run towards Eli's room. I knock on his door and he opens up almost instantly, engulfing my tiny body into a tight embrace. I sniffle and he pulls back.
"Kevin? What happened?" He questions and flashes me a sad look. Jun rushes over as well and rubs my shoulder. "Kev-"
"Can I stay here for a few nights?" I interrupt. Eli helps me carry my suitcase inside. "Yes but-"

"Yes but-"
"So, what are you two doing?" Kevin cuts in again.

What the hell did that pissy prince do this time?

"Um.. Well, just watching a movie!" Jun replies.
Kevin's face is still puffy and red. I sigh, taking Kevin's suitcase from him and placing it at the side of my bed.
"Kevin, you can sleep on my bed tonight." I say.
"But, where will you sleep?"
"On the floor. It's fine"
"O-oh okay.. I'm sorry for making you give up your bed." Kevin looks down, playing with his fingers.
"No, don't worry about it. Now, let's continue watching. Jun, do the honors." Jun laughs and switches the movie back on. I take Kevin's hand and drag him to the mat in front of the TV. We both sit down and I take a quick glance at him. He still looks as sweet as ever. I eye him for a little bit longer before putting my arm around him. He flinches but doesn't pull away, and I let out a sigh of relief.

As the movie continues, Kevin yawns and lays his head on my shoulder. I look over at Jun who's already fallen asleep on the fold-out couch. Then my eyes settle back on Kevin. He's sleeping too. I breathe heavily and my heart pounds.
I quickly press my lips to his forehead and pick him up. As I lay him on the bed, his eyes reopen.
"E-Eli?" Kevin mumbles. He looks so innocent and vulnerable right now...
I put the blanket over him and he takes my hand. "Stay here, it's too cold on the floor." I am shocked by Kevin's words, but I nod and lay down beside him. I find myself wrapping my arms around him and he snuggles into my chest.

What's happening....

The boy in this bed...

Do I love him?

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