Last Night, last chance.

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Eli seemed anxious this morning.. it's concerning me a bit but I don't know if I should ask him about it or not.

The sun begins to set as I return to my dorm room to see Eli. I've been running errands for the two of us today so I haven't been able to check on him. I open the door and Eli slowly walks over, enveloping my body in a warm embrace. I sigh happily before pulling away, only to notice Eli's pained expression. "Eli... what's wrong?"
He clears his throat and slowly takes my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"It's Kevin."
"What's about Kevin.. Is he okay? What's going on?" I say in panic.
"Shhhh.." he gently caresses my cheek. "He's okay, but he's leaving. "
"Huh? Leaving the dorm room?" I question.
"No, the school. Tomorrow."
My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.
"What? For how long? Just visiting home, right?" Eli shakes his head slowly, and I know at that point that Kevin's going for good.
"I-i.. I need to see him."I stutter as I hold in my tears.
Eli and I rush to Kevin's room in hopes to stop him. I knock on the door a few times before Kevin answers.

Kevin POV
"Jun??? What's-"

Before I can ask what's wrong, he pulls me into a tight embrace. I look up at Eli, glaring angrily. He shakes his head and shrugs, mouthing that Jun would have found out eventually. I sigh and slowly pull away, cupping his tear soaked face with my shaky hands. "I'm sorry." I whisper, unable to face him with any confidence.
"You don't need to go." he cries. Eli rubs his back, attempting to console him. "I don't really have a choice, and besides, it's probably better that way."

"How?" He sniffles.
"Everything can go back to normal. You guys can stay happy.. and Kiseop,"I take a deep breath, "Kiseop can find someone better."
"Someone better?!" Jun squirms away from me and hides behind Eli. "I don't know, Kevin. You're all he talks about" Eli retorts as he rubs my shoulder.
"If you've made your decision then we'll respect it, Okay?"
I slowly nod before hugging both of them softly. "Thank you for everything. I'll miss you." I smile and bow. They bow back but once they begin to leave, Jun rushes back for another hug. I chuckle softly and squeeze him before sending him off with Eli.

What a cutie.. I'll miss that for sure.

Later That Night

I never expected my last night at school to be this lonely. Well, I guess I used to have someone to keep me company every night until now.. The night that I need it the most.

I sit up straight in my bed, looking down from my little beacon. The room is so empty with all my stuff packed.. it feels just like how it did on the first day I stayed here. I sigh and hop off my bed, moving down towards the desk areas. I trail my finger along the blue notepad Kiseop left behind.

I shouldn't leave without saying my goodbyes.

I carefully sit down on his unnecessarily fancy desk chair.

Gosh.. him and his highly priced desk stuff..

I chuckle at the thought of him polishing the fine, dark leather lining the seat.

I really miss him.. I want him to come back.. to hold me one last time.

A tear slips onto the notepad, soaking a small section of the page.

I guess my only option now is to tell him like this.

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