Chapter Eight: Grounded

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A/N: So, after this one is where the fun begins. Although, this one was fun for me without action! I might come back and edit it later seeing as it didn't come out as nicely as I like- Tsunade's words seem hollow and unsuiting so I need to fix that- but beyond that, I hope you enjoy! :3 I've been hinting at this for the entire book so far, so it'll be nice to see what you guys think!

As time passed, Miki became distinctly aware of one thing- it seemed as if everyone was working against her when it came to missions. She was rather certain that only two people had actual valid reasons for doing as such, but it was as if everyone else was playing a part in the problem.

Whenever she managed to get free and go try and talk to Tsunade, she would always be busy, unless Kakashi was nearby. In which case Miki would get in to talk to her, but the moment she opened her mouth she would be whisked away. If Shizune was there, she would find something for Miki to do involving paperwork. It was annoying at the very least. Even when Naruto returned the most she was allowed to do was spy in on his assessment. She dealt with it- grudgingly- for the most part.

Miki was never known for her patience in getting what she wanted- however.

Which was why she- ignoring Shizune's protests- let herself into Tsunade's office the moment she caught wind that Kakashi's team had been sent out on a mission and that Gai's team had been sent to back them up. Her own team- from what she could tell- had been sent back with Momoe to meet the princess who had returned from her trip. They would be leaving as soon as Tenten met up with them, seeing as she'd been elected to take Noriaki's place on the trip. Noriaki- as far as she was aware- had left town days ago on an escort mission for the young girl that he spent the majority of his time around. After Kazue's kidnapping, he'd needed someone to watch over and focus all his excess energy on and somehow the mouse-ish girl had filled that role.

Which meant- in her opinion- there was no reason she shouldn't be allowed to follow the other teams and help back them up. An opinion Miki wasn't afraid to share.

"I don't see why you don't send me, too!" she snapped. "If you're worried about them, then send me! I've worked with Kakashi and Gai-kun a thousand times, there's no one better to send!"

Tsunade, to her credit, seemed to easily ignore the ranting woman before her as she took a heavy drink of her sake. Frustrated, Miki threw her hands down on the desk, jolting the bottle just as Tsunade deposited it on the surface once more.

"Tsunade-sama! I'm not tired and I'm not overworked, let me go and help!"

Tsunade's eyes flickered to Miki for a moment, unimpressed.

"You're not going."


"A pregnant woman has no right being in the field," Tsunade cut in.

For a few minutes silence descended on the office. As if she hadn't revealed what Miki considered a very large secret, Tsunade dismissively dropped her eyes to her sake bottle again, as if musing whether or not to just finish it off. Miki, herself, was struggling to breathe.


"It'd be impossible not to know, Miki-chan," the hokage continued. "Have you forgotten who runs to the hospital here?"

All retorts fled her mind as Miki scrambled for some response that sounded reasonable. Over the past months, she'd given every excuse possible to Kakashi and Hikari, neither of which had seemed to put any stock in her words. If they didn't see sense in her reasoning, Miki doubted the woman in front of her would. Nevertheless, when she came up with no other arguments, she fell into what seemed to be a rather weak one.

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