Chapter Nine: Traveling

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"That's so unfair! How come we got stuck hanging around here when you got to go off and rescue a kage!"

Tenten simply shrugged, adjusting the strap of her bag so it hung higher on her shoulder. Upon the completion of her last mission, she'd been instantly sent off to join the others. In the time since she'd left them and taken off to find wherever Jun had disappeared to, her bat had slipped slightly, the old fabric complaining about not getting a break. She'd have to do something about replacing it soon. The straps had stretched so that they refused to remain in place and the adjustments that should have been able to fix this problem were frustrating to deal with at the very least- and utter hell at the most. For a girl who could do about anything with a weapon, it was frustrating to think of how difficult it was just to shift those clasps over a tiny millimeter.

"We were closer, Tsunade-sama probably didn't mean anything by it."

Jun blew out a breath of air, flopping back on the grass he'd been lying in upon her arrival. His hair was a disheveled mess, his eyes bright despite the fact that she was rather certain that when she'd come upon him, he'd been seconds from sleep. It was strange, she realized. At the moment, despite his complaints, he was relaxed. Something she rarely saw him as. Then again, she was rarely outside of the village with him and given the chance to study him as relaxed as he currently was.

Attempting to distract herself from the distinct memory flashing through her mind of his requesting to be called cute- something that seemed rather fitting at that moment- Tenten tore her gaze away to the gates surrounding the estate they were currently supposed to be inside. Instead of preparing for their trip, however, Jun seemed content to blow off all other company and lounge around beneath one of the many, well cared for trees bordering the land.

"That doesn't make it any less unfair!" Jun whined, a pout appearing on his lips. "I always miss out on the good stuff!"

Tenten simply gave a bemused smile, shaking her head a little.

"You didn't miss out on much. Don't worry."

"You have to tell me everything," he ordered, raising one of his hands to point a finger at her, as if to drive that point in. "You can't leave out a single detail!"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?" she countered. "We don't have time to stand her and talk."

His pout only grew.


She'd been right when she'd informed him he'd kept his baby-face, in a moment like this his personality matched it, only making it more obvious. Rather than indulging him, she took a deep breath and put her hands on her hips.



"Up, Jun."

With a sigh that said she was asking the impossible, he slowly drug himself up from the grass. Amusement flickering across her face, she pointedly gestured towards the gates as she attempted to hide the expression behind her other hand. If Jun knew he'd amused her, he'd be more interested in the reaction than in the matter at hand. It was just who he was. A very, very frustrating factor that made up the boy.


A cheeky smile flashing across his lips, he straightened into a stiff posture and saluted her.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Then, before she could even roll her eyes, he took off for the gates. Laughing under her breath- once again amused despite herself- she followed him with a slightly quicker pace as to draw even. It only took them moments to cross through and reach the building- moments that were filled with cheeky comments on Jun's part and easy-going retorts on her own. As soon as they'd taken steps inside the hall, she ushered him off to the room he'd been given to stay in while waiting to leave. With what was suspiciously similar to what she'd imagine a smug smile on his part- most likely the result of having gotten whatever reaction out of her his playful behavior was aiming for- he behaved and departed to get his things.

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