E.P-001 Prelude - The Foundation

153 3 4

CURRENT DAY: 2036 - 3 - 22

The harsh winter, blows hard on any being stuck outside in the blizzard... making sounds, almost like thunder, with metal sheets rattling and broken window's howling... the concrete littered with bullet holes, slashes, and explosion scorches... gates ripped open, holes in walls, Lights just barely flickering. blood, that has been dried long long ago... and someone. decided to disturb, the once thriving science facility, now just a ruined building to be deconstructed to remove the evidence, like the rest. with the Eisenhower Tunnel Collapsed and Demolished its barely even functional or even, safe to explore...

a figure walking through a snowy landscape, wearing a jacket, hiking gear, goggles above their head, a beanie for the cold, and a backpack to store stuff, pine trees swaying ever so slightly with the rough wind, making their jacket whip and lash around.. the figure had something with them, a small id card hanging off their neck, showing their name.

Refinoc Biowaste Management Guest-ID

Skip is seen walking through the snowy landscape, until finding the strange demolished facility, barely standing. and heads inside to go look for scrap to sell, and to take cover from the blizzard outside, and whatever else lurks in these woods.

Skip turns on his flashlight he brought just in case, and began looking through the many tech trash or junk, from computers, Servers, office equipment, Pens, to strange objects. But Skip Spots something. Completely Abnormal, like seriously weird.

"What the hell is that?" said Skip to himself, staring at a strange black cube on the tiled floor. with ruined facility lights flickering just barely making a small logo visible, saying. "Refinoc Biowaste Management" this place is certainly older then him. and is in rougher shape too. with all those busted doors, ruins, debris and other destroyed pieces of wall and ceiling, to prove it... and isn't the safest either because of the skeletons of dead humans, or skeletons... of something else entirely...

Skip decides to just ignore the skeletons of beings that... he certainly didn't want to meet, and approaches said black cube. curiosity overpowering his caution. walking slowly, the air filled with dust and burnt iron and steel, making it hard to breathe and see in such places. but Skip pushes on, pointing his flashlight at the cube, which makes the cube's reflections look almost, unreal...

Skip looks around for anything in the ruined facility to use as a improvised danger stick, because who knows what that cube could do, it could be a bomb for all he knows. and finds a metal pipe to use to defend himself and to see what would happen if he poked the strange black cube.

Skip taps the cube with the metal pipe, making a small metal pinging sound but other then that, nothing happens. he taps it again, ...nothing other then the same noise. Skip puts the metal pipe down, making a rattling noise, before deciding, to carefully pick up the cube.

Skip picks it up easily, surprisingly light weight for its size, and inspects it. its strange, nothing like hes seen before. "coming to this place was surely a good idea... maybe i could keep this strange cube for Myself, not like anyone's gonna miss this... cube." Skip thought for a second, he would probably sell the rest of the junk he found here, after all. it would be a waste of tech to leave it rotting here, or for someone else to find and take it.

Skip puts the cube in his backpack. before searching for more scrap, or tech junk he could find, or anything that would fit in his backpack...

after a while... Skip walked out of the facility, back into the snowy landscape filled with pine trees and lots, and lots of snow. outside, it continued snow ever so lightly, a stark difference from the blizzard when he arrived. the snow pattering all over his clothing, the snow is soft... like to comfort the ones who passed away here. Hes been here far too long...

from the outside, the Refinoc Biowaste Management Facility looks giant, making Skip look like a insect compared to the Size of the colossal concrete structure. but now, only destroyed, ruined and left to rot, Rubble covering some exits, and some entrances, graffiti covering walls, smashed cars long left behind, old blood stains covering some walls and floors, even the windows... but to Skip its nothing but another horrible memory, of things... that happened there. He was there when it all happened... and certainly didn't enjoy it.

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