Splinter's First Father's Day

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(Sorry I'm late, I know it's past Father's Day but I have a new job now, and I have been working a lot, getting used to having a job so I am neglecting my stories a little.)



Splinter sighed as he bounced baby Donatello and Michelangelo in his arms as they cried while Leonardo and Raphael were crying in the pit. Splinter hoped turning on the TV he just installed would calm them, like it always does but today, for some reason, nothing seemed to calm his little ones.

It has been a couple months now since they found their new home and Splinter has been exhausted, more exhausted than he was while hiding and running from the Kraang. He is relieved now that he does not have to constantly move around, place to place and can finally settle somewhere but their new home...needs a lot of work before they could officially call it a home.

Splinter finally managed to get the toilet as well as the sink working. It took such a long time, for he was not very handy in the plumbing department. He had to read many books, that he found to learn how and even then, it took a while, many curses thrown on his part.

However, after weeks and weeks of work, he finally was able to get it working and was able to finally get clean running water running. It was rather refreshing to use his own bathroom for a change, instead of sneaking it those disgusting filthy public bathrooms. He shuddered a bit at the thought, remembering how he almost vomited the first time he stepped into one of those bathrooms but it was better than having to go on the ground. He may be a rat now but he was still a man, and he refused to act like an animal.

Now, he needed to tackle the kitchen, as well as to figure out how to get the electricity working. All he was able to use now, for a source of light was his candles but he hated using them, afraid that one of the turtles would accidentally knock one over and start a fire. Of course, he made sure to keep them far and as high away from them as possible but still, his sons could somehow destroy anything in their path.

As soon as he gets the kitchen and the electricity working, he will start on the four bedrooms he planned on making his sons' rooms but right now, Splinter saw no rush on that for they were still too small to sleep on their own and besides, it will take him a long time before he is able to find all the pieces he needs to put together four beds. He was able to find pieces to build a crib for them but honestly, they were so attached to him that they didn't even use it. They prefered cuddling up in his fur which honestly, Splinter did not mind.

However, he minded today when all his little turtles were surrounding him, crying non-stop and Splinter, for the life of him, could not figure out why. They ate, they slept, and none of their diapers needed changing, so...what was the issue?

"Shhh, little ones, please hush now," Splinter said softly as he went to collect Leonardo and Raphael in his arms as well when they were pulling on his kimono. He sighed. "What is the matter?"

None of them, of course, answered. He rolled his eyes as he went to sit in his rocking chair, rocking them all in his lab which always used to do the trick but now, it barely did anything. Splinter shook his head in frustration as he tried to think of what to do. He does not recall Miwa ever doing something like this or if she had...he was not around to see it.

Shen would know what to do. She was always so good with children, with Miwa but sadly, she is not here, all his little turtles had was him and right now, he felt powerless. He has been feeling powerless for a long time now, actually. It hurts sometimes, as Splinter wonders what kind of life he could provide for his new sons in the sewers. It hurts when he thinks how they will never go to school, meet other children their age, and how they may never...find love one day, have families of their own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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