3: An Army

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"What do you want?" Ember spoke in pure rage, grabbing me by my the collar of my white button up. I stayed quiet and watched her slowly come back to her senses, releasing her grip and moving her hands back to her sides.

"Sorry, I-"

"No I understand. I saw what you went through and I want to make sure something like that doesn't happen again"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about gathering people up to go against this whole zodiac idea, I mean come on, you can't keep a group of unique people under a bunch of stereotypes"

Perfect, her sky colored eyes were wide open, hopefully because she was amazed by my wonderful idea. It won't be long till I have my own army of student breaking down the idea of separating students by zodiac.

"So, do you wanna join" I flashed her a smile to try and seem welcoming.

"Nope" she turned around and speed-walked away. I stood for a few seconds with the smile still plastered on my face, then shaking my head till my expression was full of determination. She seemed like the leader sort of type, not to mention a great person to start my group with.

I ran fast until I was in front of her, her eyes squinting in disapproval.

"Why...why won't you join" I heaved out, still panting.

"Well, I have grades and a reputation to keep up, I can't risk this one way path to suspension"

"Is it not worth it to help others from breaking bonds just because of these rules?"



"Well, take me and Brenda for example. We were going to stop being friends at some point right? Probably by the end of high school, when we all get shipped off to college. Honestly, I don't care about friendships because you can always find new people. It's grades that stick with you forever"

She leaned towards me, and I felt my breath somehow quickening.

"Raven black hair, golden-brown eyes...do I know you from somewhere?"

"No, I just moved here"

"Oh, I see. Well, I gotta get going"

I didn't make an effort to stop her as she walked around me, it was useless. I sighed and turned around to see a man wearing a virgo pin walk towards me, telling me to go back to the gym. I did so without resisting, opening the doors to see everyone already in their zodiac groups, sitting in their spots on the bleachers and chatting with each other. I looked to my left noticed the girl who helped me get to the gym before, Julia.


"Oh, hello again! What's up?"

"I haven't got sorted into my zodiac yet, I don't know which one I'm in"

"When's your birthday?"

"April 19th"

"Ooh, a cusp kid"

"A what?"

"Basically you're right in between Aries and Taurus, from between April 16th and the 22nd, also known as the cusp of power. I'm sure you'll get some benefits from being in a cusp, but we'll discuss that later. For now, you're technically an Aries, even though you're only two days from being a Taurus"

"So what about my necklace thing"

"Oh, the zodiac identification jewelry? Well, I think I have a few Aries pieces left"

She looked through her pockets and grabbed what ever was in there. She then sorted out the other zodiacs until there were only three items in her hand.

A necklace, a pair of earrings, and a watch.

I grabbed the watch without a second thought, wondering why the heck anyone would want jewelry when you can get something as useful as that. I found my spot on the bleachers and took a closer look at it. The watch was an elegant metallic black, but the band was simplistic. And to my disappointment it wasn't digital, but had white numbers engraved into the black base. In the center was the golden symbol of a Ram for Aries, the ♈. The symbol that was not only engraved into the watch, but engraved in me for the next four years. At least, that's  only if my plan doesn't work.

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