American Fable

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"Thinking or speaking telepathically"

This story is a fairy tale...

Our story begins in the fictional land known as New York City, specifically a small apartment complex that looked like it had seen better days.

We cut to the inside of the apartment into one of the rooms, where we see a man in the bathroom washing his face with the sink.

???: "I live on the second floor of a rundown, shitty apartment in the middle of New York

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???: "I live on the second floor of a rundown, shitty apartment in the middle of New York. Right across that drunken dumbass called The Woodsman, and right above the ancient complainer Mr. Toad. Our apartment complex is located in a small, isolated community that's been 'officially' dubbed Fabletown."

The man left his bathroom and walked towards the kitchen, where he then opened the refrigerator and began rummaging through it.

???: "My name is Wendall. I don't have a last name, dear ol' mom and dad didn't bother to give me one. I don't know how old I am, because when you live as long as I, or any other fable do, you stop counting birthdays at one point or another."

The man, now known as "Wendall" retrieved what he was looking for and closed the fridge. Walking to the table and setting his items down, we see that it's mostly medication bottles and an unreasonable amount of raw, uncooked meat.

Wendall: "I believe in taking care of myself with a balanced diet and a rigorous diet exercise routine. But let me tell ya, keeping that diet is hard work. Especially if you often get as... hungry as I do."

He stacked the pieces of meat on a plate on top of each other, then poured himself a large glass of water while opening one of his medication bottles. His hands started shaking as he did this, making him almost drop the water glass and difficult to open the meds.

Wendall: "In the evening... once my hands stop shaking... I take about three pills of 'anti-hunger' medication given to me daily by Dr. Swineheart. I am legally required by Fabletown law to take my medications, because if I don't well... you know what I said earlier about getting hungry?"

He placed three pills in his mouth and drank the water to swallow them. Once this was done, he wiped his mouth and went back to the table with the meat slabs. He poured some salt on them and grabbed a fork.

Wendall: "After I take my medications, I then help myself to a delicious supper. Comprising of various meats of dubious quality given to me generously by Johann, the butcher. I always eat raw, as my stomach doesn't like cooked meat."

Wendall then proceeded to start gnawing at his meal like an animal. Ripping and tearing into the meat with his sharp, canine like teeth. Gorging himself and not caring about the mess he made, somehow being able to eat five meat slabs back to back without any negative side effects.

After finishing his meal and cleaning his face with a napkin, he walked over the living room. His apartment was so shitty he couldn't fit an actual bed in it, so he usually just slept on the couch. As he did this, he could hear the sounds of what seemed to be a struggle or a fight coming from outside his room. The noise seemed to be coming from the Woodsman's apartment.

He ignored it. It wouldn't be the first (or last) time ol' Woody got into a fight this late at night. He closed his eyes and tried to drown out the noise with his closing thoughts for the night...

Wendall: "There's an idea of Wendall. An abstraction"

He tried to close his eyes to sleep, but the noise just wouldn't go away...

Wendall: "But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something elusive"

The noise was getting louder. He could hear punches, kicks and shouting now...

Wendall: "And though I could hide my cold gaze, and you could shake my hand and feel flesh dripping yours, and perhaps if your a fellow fable could even say our lifestyles are comparable...

He could hear voices coming from the other apartment, shouting and cursing. One voice was the Woodsman's, obviously, but the other one...

A woman?

He didn't recognize the voice, but it definitely belonged to a woman. She was shouting, cursing at the Woodsman for one reason or another and then...



Wendall: "I simply am not there

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Wendall: "I simply am not there."

His eyes shot open and he jumped off the couch, quickly running for the door too his apartment to investigate.

He didn't know what was going on, but he was annoyed enough to find out.

Opening the door and exiting his room, he walked across the hall until he stood in front of the Woodsman's apartment. He could hear loud and clear now, there was a fight going on. Between the Woodsman and some woman. He could just turn around, walk away. Surly Toad or someone else had called the sheriff by now.




Okay, maybe just this once he could intervene. Try to get everyone to calm down without resorting to violence, take the pacifist route.

Wendall: "But where's the fun in that?l

He promptly kicked open the door, and fate from that day was forever changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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