Chapter 8 - Ship

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Once the ship leaves the port, Budgey told us that she unsealed the ship to go down the hull to get the fuel

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Once the ship leaves the port, Budgey told us that she unsealed the ship to go down the hull to get the fuel. "When you landlubbers get in the ship, make your way to the hull. The fuel should be in there." 

I replied to her, "Got it. Let's get going!" We started to find a way to get into the ship's hull to search for the fuel. Willow told me to find the fuel, while she stays here to think, and she would go with me. "You go ahead, I'll catch up soon. I just need to think for a moment." 

As I crept through the ship's hallways to find a way to enter the hull, I tried my best to be brave alone while Willow goes into the ship to fight some of Budgey's crew mates

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As I crept through the ship's hallways to find a way to enter the hull, I tried my best to be brave alone while Willow goes into the ship to fight some of Budgey's crew mates.

Since the ship was unsealed, it was really dangerous that I have to be careful to avoid the infected crew mates in there. Most inside of the ship was clean, but some of them are run down. 

While I was trying to find a way to enter the hull, I was been ambushed by an infected arctic fox

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While I was trying to find a way to enter the hull, I was been ambushed by an infected arctic fox. He had half of his face exposed, revealing his skull, and he walks slightly bobs up and down. He started to chase me through the ship, as I tried my best to avoid him.

When I went into a cafeteria, an infected kangaroo spots me, and begins to chase me. However, Willow knocks the cremate in time. Then I entered the pipes room, where I tried to find a way to drain the water levels to get to the cargo room where the fuel is located. I found a screwdriver from a safe that I can fix pipes to drain the water levels. 

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