I Saw You Standing There, But You Were Still So Far Away...

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This short thing takes place in November of 1992 (Chamber of Secrets era) but the events from that book/movie don't really play a role in this. It's just a little "what if?" scenario. 

Online rumors wonder if Lily Potter was pregnant with a second child when Voldemort murdered her and James... what if someone comes into the light to reveal this to Harry? 


"Hermione, can I be honest with you about something?" Harry spoked up sheepishly, knowing his best friend didn't like to be interrupted while doing homework. It was their second year, but Hermione was still just as serious as she was about her academics the first time around.

Hermione looked up at him, but didn't look at all annoyed. "Is something wrong, Harry?"

Harry looked down at his hands, one of which was still holding the quill he was using to write his potions essay. He set it down sideways on his parchment paper.

"I've been having- these dreams." Hermione's eyes widened and she leaned towards him.

"Shouldn't you be talking to Ron about this-"

"HERMIONE- not those dreams-" Harry flushed a deep red, and Hermione began to laugh, turning a slight pink, too.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I really thought this conversation was taking a weird turn." she breathed out, wiping a tear from her eye. They were lucky that the library was quite empty at the time. For the weather was spectacular today, for early November, so most students were outside enjoying it- including Ron Weasley and his brothers. His younger sister, Ginny, was likely off somewhere with her friends, as well.

"No, these are, I don't know how to really explain them... but they are not that." Harry said tersely as Hermione began to snicker again. "Remember during our first year, when I kept sneaking out at night to visit that mirror before Dumbledore moved it?"

Hermione nodded, leaning onto the table between them, resting her chin on her hand with her brown eyes fixed on Harry's.

"I went back there over and over again because I saw me standing with my parents, right?" Hermione nodded again. "That's what I'm dreaming about. But in the mirror, there's something else now, like a- like someone's shadow. Whoever or whatever it is, it's shorter than me. Every time I have this dream, it gets closer and closer to me but I don't know what it is." Harry was staring down at the table now, his eyebrows were furrowed with thought as he tried to come up with an answer for himself.

"Harry..." Hermione started slowly. "How long has this been going on?"

"Only a few days now, I think since Halloween. At first, I thought it was some kind of nightmare, but nothing bad has happened."

"I'll do some reading on recurring dreams, and see if I can find anything." Hermione decided.

Harry smiled at her. "I knew you were the one to open up to. Thanks, Hermione."


"Alison is a pretty name, don't you think, Harry?" Lily said to her son, grinning down at him in the reflection. Harry instinctively looked behind him. When he saw no one, he turned back to the mirror.

To his shock, there was a girl standing next to his reflection. She had long, brown-ish hair with lots of red. It was as straight as stalks of grain. She wore glasses that seemed too large for her small face. Those eyes... they were very green. As green as the moss on a tree after a heavy summer rainstorm.

"I... I love that name. It's very pretty. What does it mean?" Harry asked, afraid to take his eyes off of the mysterious person, as if he were to look away, that she would disappear.

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