Back In Kanto! | Chapter 1

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Vermillion City, Kanto

"Kanto! I'm back!" A teenage boy, wearing a red cap, cried out as he hopped off the ramp of the S.S. Anne.


"Sorry about that Eevee, I'm just so excited to be back home! Catching all those Pokemon in Unova was fun and all, but Kanto is where it's all at!" The boy cried out as his Eevee, who was also wearing a red hat similar to him, jumped on his shoulder giving him a quick nuzzle on the cheek causing him to chuckle.

"Hehe, come on now! Let's go, Professor Oak our new Pokedex entries!" The boy cried out once as he and Eevee raced off into Vermillion City.



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"Woah... Vermillion City has changed so much since we left, hasn't it?"


"I know! It's not like we've been gone for a long time! Wait how long has it been?" The teen then began to count on one hand with his fingers, as Eevee looked at its trainer in confusion. "I mean we were in Johto for 5 months... Sinnoh for 7... Unova for around 11... I think?" Y/n rambled on as he tried to think how long his journey had been.

"Eevee! Vui!"

Eevee tilted its head at its trainer and lifted its paw towards itself mimicking what its trainer was doing. The trainer was still counting their fingers as he was still trying to recount how long it had been.

"3... 4... I can't remember! But as long as I'm with you Eevee it doesn't matter! Partners from beginning to end! Y/n and Eevee!" Y/n said as Eevee let out another cheer Y/n picked Eevee off his shoulder and held him in his arms.

"Let's go look around a bit! Let's see how much Vermillion City has changed since we've been gone!" All of a sudden both Eevee's and Y/n's stomach began to rumble, as Y/n let out a sheepish laugh. "Hehe... Maybe we can also look where to grab a quick bite first,"


Y/n with Eevee still in his arms began to walk around the streets of Vermillion taking in the sights that were now Vermillion City. When Y/n was first back into Kanto trying to complete the Pokedex and defeat the elite four Vermillion City was still the big city it is today, but there weren't as many buildings, bridges, Pokemon, and vehicles. Vermillion City was one of the main ways for travelers outside of Kanto through ships such as the S.S. Anne so it was bound to be a busy city no matter what happened, but Y/n and Eevee couldn't believe their eyes from how much Kanto had changed in just a few years.

"PokeBrew... PokeCafe... Magikarp-Delight... These weren't here last time were they?" Y/n said to himself as Eevee was looking around the town center of Vermillion City. "Woah! Eevee look at that building!"

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