RID Jazz x Pregnant Femme Reader

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You huffed and rolled your optics as you were once again being lectured by your overprotective sparkmate  about not being carful enough and endangering yourself and the sparkling, and let's just say it was really starting to tick you the frag off.

"For primus's sake Jazz! All I did was go on a short drive two miles down the road and back, and you call that being reckless!" He growled and glared at you, "yes it is to me! You didn't even tell me you were leaving!" You clenched your jaw and glared up at him, he was not helping with your mood swing, he was only making it worse.

You were fixing to say something else when your brother, Bumblebee walked up. "(Y/n), can you please calm down just a little bit and try to work this out just a little less violently?" You turned and glared at him, "Bee, I suggest you go somewhere else before I beat the scrap out of you and my fragging overprotective sparkmate!"

He nodded and quickly walked off leaving you and Jazz alone again, you looked up at your mate and sighed, "Jazz , I'm sorry, it's just I feel so caged in. I just wanna be able to go on a drive or do something without getting fussed over, I know I'm sparked and I have to be extra careful, I'm not gonna do anything stupid."

You looked down and felt a few tears go down your cheeks, you hated being so emotional but you couldn't help it. You heard Jazz sigh and felt him tilt your head up to look at him, "(y/n) look at me, please." You looked him and he smiled at you and sighed, "I'm sorry for being overprotective and fussing at you at lot more than I should, it's just I don't want to lose you or our sparkling, and with all the cons crawling around this place I know it's a high possibility of you getting hurt."

You smiled at him and chuckled, "I'm not gonna get hurt, I wouldn't let that happen for the life of me, and plus I'm five months pregnant, last time I checked the medic back on cybertron said I won't be aloud to transform after six months." He chuckled and sighed pulling you close to him and kissing your helm, "I know, and you better listen to what he said." You smiled and kissed him passionately, "I will."


You let out a scream of pain as another wave of pain washed over you, you looked over at Jazz and sobbed, "I... I can't do this." He gripped your servo tighter and kissed your helm, "yes you can, sweetspark, your the strongest femme I know." You let out a cry as another wave of pain washed over you and you felt Jazz start to panic through your bond, you'd been in labor for nine long and torturing hours.

You looked up to see Jazz looking at Ratchet anxiously, " J...Jazz sweetspark are you okay?" He looked at you and a few tears started to fall down his faceplates, "I just don't like seeing you in so much pain." You then whimpered as there was another contraction. Ratchet looked at Jazz who looked like he was fixing to blow a gasket and sighed looking at him, " Jazz you need to step out the medbay before you stress yourself out to much I'll call you in here as soon as the sparklings born alright." Jazz looked at you but you nodded, " listen to Ratchet... I ...I'll be alright."

Jazz then left the medbay and Raychet looked up at you, "it's time to start pushing now." You nodded and pushed letting out a scream of pain.

Jazz POV

"Jazz calm down, she'll be alright." He looked at Optimus and Drift and shook his helm, "she's in so much pain though and it's my fault." Optimus sighed and placed a servo on his shoulder, "it isn't your fault and (y/n) is a strong femme she'll be okay."  They all looked towards the medbay when they heard another scream of pain, they waited a few more minutes and then rushed forwards when Ratchet walked out with a smile on his faceplates.

(Y/n) POV

You gasped as you felt another wave of pain and pushed letting out another pain filled scream only to be met with the most beautiful sound you'd ever heard, the wail of a sparkling. There was still an ache in your body but the pain was gone and you looked at Ratchet to see him holding a sparkling. He smiled and you and brought it over to you, "congratulations (y/n) you've given birth to a beautiful femmeling."

You felt your optics start to water as you looked down at your daughter, she had your frame but she had her sires colors. You smiled down at her and chuckled as her little servo grabbed your faceplate. You'd been so focused on your daughter that you hadn't noticed the other bots slowly entering the room until you felt a kiss on your helm.

"She's beautiful sweetspark, you did such a good job." You looked up to see Jazz and handed him your daughter, he looked down at her and started to cry, "she's perfect (y/n) and beautiful just like you."

"How you feeling sis?" You looked at Bee and smiled tiredly, "exhausted." He chuckled and you felt Jazz hand your sparkling back to you, "she's beautiful." You watched as Bee reached a servo out to her and laughed as she grabbed on. She then latched her little servos onto you and slowly opened her optics, they were a pale blue.

You felt Jazz lay another kiss on your helm, "what are you gonna name her sweetspark?" You smiled and looked at him and them back at her, "what do you think about Melody?" He smiled, "I think thats perfect."

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