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Millicent Hingtower, the crazy princess( 17 anos)

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Millicent Hingtower, the crazy princess
( 17 anos)

Aemon II Targaryen, the loyal.
(21 anos)

Rhaenyra Targaryen, the delight of the kingdom.
(17 anos)

Alicent Hingtower
(17 anos)

Alaric Baratheon, the talaric
( 19 anos)

Baelon II Targaryen, the king for a day.

Ysilla Rivers, the bastard.
(16 anos)

Eddard Strong, the sensible
(18 anos)

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𝕻retty 𝕷ittle 𝕷ies Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora