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My anger flared as I changed into my rung gear, the picture of my girlfriend of 3 years in bed with a woman from her gym, her hand buried in the girl's hair as she was eaten out. I had returned home to it after a series of appointments I had to prep for the Royal Rumble. I slipped into the tight shorts that hugged me like a second skin. The red and black fabric made my skin look a beautiful tan color, even under the harsh lights of the ring. I pulled on a top that had once been a shirt of mine that'd been hacked away at with scissors that now tied around my neck and had a corset back on it, pulling it flush against my body. I had my own locker room here, because none of the other women knew I'd be participating in the fight. The match I won against Liv wasn't aired so the only people who knew were at the arena that night. I slipped on a pair of matte black Doc Martin's and zipped them up. I looked in the mirror, taking in my dark eye makeup and dark red lipstick. My hair, once flowing down to the middle of my back and a light brown, was the same shade of red as my lips with black sides and barely came to my chin in a short mullet. I grabbed my hairspray and styled the mullet, making sure it stilled looked messy. I had completely turned my look since that last match. Looked around the room before grabbing a choker and slipping it around my neck before looking back in the mirror. The black strip of leather stood out, the silver letters spelling 'killer' clashing well. I picked up a pair of studs and put them in, the silver knives with bloodied tips catching the light. I reached for the handful of rings, slipping 3 on my left hand and 4 on my right. The small inscription on the inside of my left wrist caught my attention momentarily, and I smiled, remembering my Riot City Wrestling days. I remember the girl I had befriended and fought besides for 2 years, the girl who was my girl ever backpack. I had missed her, but couldn't being myself to look and see how her future had progressed.

A knock on my door sounded and I looked over, seeing a man with a headset on peeking around the door.

"45 seconds." I nodded and popped my neck before walking out into the almost completely deserted gorilla, ignoring as the few people there started to whisper. I bounced on my feet for a second as I stood in front of the curtain to the ramp, waiting for my music to play through the speakers. The first note hit and I smirked, pushing open the curtain and turning around the corner, appearing in front of the screen as my graphic played, black and red spiders crawling from behind where I stood, Billie Eilish's You Should See Me In A Crown chorus blared. I made my way down the ramp, taking in the looks of confusion from fans, seeing how the women in the ring froze. I moved slowly, taking my time in my entrance. The 5 women in the ring continued to swing at each other, one quickly throwing 3 of them from the ring. I didn't hesitate to climb up the steps at the corner of the ring and stepping between the ropes, taking in the 2 women in front of me. One with dark hair and dark purple makeup and a woman whose hair was pink and blue. I moved around the ring, waiting, watching the 2 as they watched with guards high.

I glared at both as I slowly sunk into a squat, rolling from foot to foot. The girl with pink hair moved first, moving to try and barrel into me. I rolled to the side, landing on my feet still in my squatted position. She hit her head off the turnbuckle and looked stunned. I watched as she quickly recovered and turned around, moving to brace for an attack. I watched as the girl with dark hair quickly lunged forward, grabbing the woman around the waist and throwing her over the top rope. I laughed lowly as stood, moving around carefully, silently. By the time the girl turned around, I was directly behind her. She jumped backward, eyes wide as I smirked. Her look of shock quickly became a scowl as she stepped forward again, head tipping back slightly to look me in the eyes. I licked over my teeth as she stared me down, and she growled audibly before she shoved me roughly, causing my shoulders to jerk but my feet stayed planted. Her eyebrows creased as she tried again, pushing harder but got the same reaction. I chuckled lowly and leaned down slightly, my nose touching hers.

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