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I revved my engine as I pulled up outside Rhea's house, signaling her to get outside. She slipped her helmet on as she ran, climbing on and settling quickly. It had been a few weeks since I'd given her a ride for the first time, and now I was giving her a ride to Wrestlemania. We'd compete against each other, and both of us were excited. We had sparred a few times, although it wasn't anything serious. There was an energy that reverberated through us as we rode, neither understanding exactly what.

Pulling up to the arena went smoothly, with only a few fans hanging around in hopes of meeting the wrestlers. They grew excited as we pulled in, snapping pictures of us, even though they couldn't tell who we were. We both slipped off our helmets and the few fans let out excited screams, snapping more pictures that we both knew would end up online. We waved at them as we walked, not stopping for pictures because we needed to get going. I blew kisses to them as we walked in, smiling as a few immediately blushed.

Rhea looked at me as we walked in, bumping shoulders as we walked towards the women's locker room. I made a goofy face at her, crossing my eyes as I stuck out my tongue, causing her to laugh. I laughed with her, feeling the energy dispersing slightly. I found a locker and stuffed my jacket in, setting my helmet on top, Rhea's appeared next to it soon after. I set my riding boots in the bottom of the locker as I dug through my backpack, pulling out my ring gear. I looked farther for several minutes before groaning loudly.

"I left my fucking boots at home. How do I leave my fucking ring boots?" I was talking to myself, but it didn't stop Rhea from hearing it. She raised an eyebrow as she grabbed one of my boots out of my locker, looking it over for several moments before putting it back and disappearing from the room. I gave her a look as she walked out, but shrugged it off as I stripped my shirt off, slipping on the shirt that covered just a little more than a bra, the dark red complimenting my skin well. I adjusted my breasts, lifting and tucking them so they sat comfortably before glancing in the mirror. I smiled as I turned to the side, taking in just how good this top looked on me. I turned away from the mirror and stepped up to the bench again, stripping out of pants, grabbing a pair of fishnets that I slipped on carefully before grabbing the high-waisted black shorts, and tying the cross ties so they fit snugly. I fixed the seam so they sat flat against my skin and sat down on the bench. I had to figure out what to do about shoes.

Rhea came back into the room, carrying two pairs of boots. I gave her a look, confused, but she handed me a pair without a word. I took them, looking them over before I noticed the size on the inside. My size. I furrowed my eyebrows, my face clearly showing my confusion.

"It's a pair of my old boots. They were too big for me originally, but they held onto them in case they were ever needed. They're like a size bigger than I wear." I chuckled but nodded, grabbing my bag and pulling out a pair of socks.

"Thank you. You're a lifesaver. You have no idea. I genuinely would have gone out barefooted." She laughed.

"Ew, no. We're not having that. Put them on, weirdo." And I laughed as I slipped on my socks, then pulled on the boots that sat just above my ankle. They were definitely shorter than my usual choice, but they were surprisingly comfortable. She smiled at me before she turned her back to me, quickly pulling her shirt off. I kept my eyes on the floor as she changed, listening as I heard her jeans rustle and then hit the floor. I waited, respecting her privacy, even though there was no privacy in this room. I heard a few sighs then a low growl.

"Goddamnit. Can you help me? It fucking rolled." I looked up, seeing what she meant. The sides of her gear had rolled into themselves, making it impossible to pull up, and it was just out of her reach. I stood up and carefully reached out, working the material gently so it sat properly against the smooth skin of her back. I reached for the zipper and carefully pulled it up, closing the fabric around her body. I didn't think about my actions before my fingers brushed her hair away from her shoulder and then trailed down her arm. She shivered and I pulled my hand away, muttering a quick apology. She smiled at me as she stepped forward and sat down, slipping on her own socks and boots. We both headed out together, finding the majority of the other wrestlers already hanging around in catering, eating chips, crackers, and fruit that'd been laid out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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