» Chapter: Ⅰ «

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No one's Point Of View

The sound of the pen on the paper sheets, a young male student was studying while his hands were writing on a paper sheet. Then a 65-year-old man entered the library and stood beside his young male student.

"Leon, there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you, my dear grandson." Leon stop writing. "Is there anything you need, grandfather?" Leon turns his head and faces his grandfather. 

His grandfather sat across from him, "Well, there is something that you could do for me. Could you go to earth and buy me a bouquet of roses and lilies for your grandmother?" "Why so sudden, grandfather?" Leon asked his grandfather.

"Alright then, just Rose and Lily, no more grandfather?" His grandfather nodded, as Leon started to pack his things. "Alright, I'm off grandfather, please inform my family that I will be home for a few hours."

His grandfather nodded, as Leon headed outside to the Golden Light Bridge. When he was done crossing the bridge, Leon stood in front of the portal. Leon uses the key to activate the portal, Leon walks towards the portal, and then Leon ends up in London.

Before Leon took a step forward, Alistair snapped his fingers to change his looks so that no one would get suspicious of him. 

Leon walks inside the flower shop and orders a bouquet of roses and a lily. After 15 minutes of waiting the florist gave the bouquet to Leon.

"Thank you so much for the bouquet, here you go, keep the change." Leon gave the florist ₤50,000.

The florist looks so happy and grateful for what Leon gave him, and then Leon leaves the flower shop. 

Leon heads outside and walks towards the alleyway, then he notices someone is following him not far behind him.

Leon stopped in his tracks "Can I help you sir?" Leon turns his head to face the man. "That is quite a cash just for a flower bouquet." Leon smiled, still holding the flower bouquet in his hand.

"I just feel like that man needs more money than me," The man smiles at Leon, "That's very generous of you, may I ask you, your name?" At first, Leon hesitates but he eventually tells his name.

"My name is, Leon. Leon Amarantha Maximilian. And may I ask your name sir?" Leon said looking at the 3 noblemans. "My name is, William. William James Moriarty, and these are my brothers, Louis James Moriarty, and Albert James Moriarty."

"You 3 are siblings, I see." Then William notices the key necklace on Leon's neck. Leon noticed it, as he took out his necklace. "Your necklace?! it's like ours, Leon." Albert said as he, William, and Louis took out their necklace.

Leon looks so surprised, "How and where did you have that necklace?!" "Our grandparents gave it to us when we were still 10 years old, and when we try to take it off, the necklace won't come off." 

"I see, I'm afraid that you 3 have to come with me because the necklace holds a very special power. A power that your world is not ready to be revealed." William, Albert, and Louis were shocked by what Leon's said.

"I beg your pardon, Leon. Did you say "Special power"?? what kind of a special power??" Louis said, but Leon just came closer to them, and then their necklace started to glow.

Then a door appears on the wall beside them "Why don't you 3 enter that door? And I'm sure if you enter through that door, all of your answers will be clear." William and his siblings hesitate initially, but they eventually open the door and go through it.

Leon follows them from behind and closes the door behind him. He stood next to William. William, Albert, and Louis are still shocked by what they saw. 

"Beautiful, isn't it? Come, my family is waiting for us," Leon led William, Louis, and Albert to his castle. The guard noticed Leon came with 3 unfamiliar faces.

"Open the gate, it's alright. Their with me, and they are harmless."The guards open the gate and guide them to the palace.

Leon's family was on the castle balcony watching Leon bringing 3 unfamiliar faces with him, Then Leon gave his family a signal saying *They are harmless*, Leon's father granted his son's wish by opening the grand door.

Leon walks in front leading William, Louis, and Albert to the throne room, where Leon's family are waiting for him.

They arrive at the throne room, and Leon gives the bouquet to his grandmother. Then he stood next to William on the right, and his 2 brothers were standing next to William on the left.

Leon kneels, and William, Louis, and Albert follow Leon's move as the 3 of them kneel with respect. Leon and his family were shocked by what they just saw.

"Leon's father raises his hand, instructing them to rise. As Leon, William, Louis, and Albert were raised. "Leon, my son. I thought you were just going to buy a bouquet for your grandmother?"

"Forgive me, Father, at first I was just going to buy the bouquet, but I met William and his 2 brothers, they have the same necklace key as I did." 

Leon nodded his head to William, Louis, and Albert to step forward. William, Louis, and Albert move forward as they show them their key necklace.

"Impossible, tell me, what is your name, you 3?" Leon's mother said William started to introduce himself and his 2 brothers.

"My name is William James Moriarty, your majesty. And these are my brothers, Louis James Moriarty, and Albert James Moriarty."

The royal family was shocked after hearing about their last name. Leon is also shocked by William's and his two brothers' last names.

"Did you just say that your last name is Moriarty ?" The king's said, looking shocked. William just nodded, "Yes your majesty, our last name is, Moriarty."

The royal family was still shocked and so was Leon, he just kept looking at William and his two brothers.

"Is there something wrong with our last name, your Majesties?" Albert said, interrupting making the royal family snap.

"Moriarty was once a legendary protector of our realm, but then he went missing for 1000 years, even though he was presumed dead," Leon explained, shocking William and his two brothers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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