Chapter 28: Persistence

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All the men were gathered downstairs while Anakin and Obi-Wan broke down their orders for them, but Nova decided she had more important things to do. Things such as shooting Lyra a transmission in the back of the briefing room. She was oblivious to the amused stares of all the clones on the back of her head as Lyra and her rambled on.

"You all know your marching orders." Cody whacked Drummer in face, grabbing his helmet and forcing him to look at General Kenobi.

"The safety of the Duchess Satine is of the utmost importance. The Death Watch will stop at nothing to assassinate her before she pleads her case to the—" Obi-Wan's point wasn't stressed enough, as he was interrupted by a high pitched squeak emitted from Nova's corner.

"Kenobi has a WHAT!?" Just like that, all eyes were back on her. Obi-Wan had a sinking feeling this secret he's managed to keep to only himself for years was about to become public knowledge.

"—to the Senate." He finished, accentuating every last word to grab the attention of the men back. Even he wasn't enough to regain the focus off the hologram of the pretty blue Twi'lek absolutely losing it.

"The Death Watch may be backed by the Separatists, so stay sharp." While Anakin spoke to R2 and QT, Obi-Wan was fed up with the guffawing over his love life, or in this case lack there of.

"All right, that's it. You've had your fun, girls." Obi-Wan strutted over to Nova, reached between her montrals and snatched the holodisk with the glowing picture of Lyra above it.

"Wha—Master!" Nova jumped up from her crouched position, but Obi-Wan held the disk above his head so she had to jump to reach it, but inevitably still was unable to.

"What's the matter, Obi-Wan? In a hurry to go see your girl?" Lyra and Nova chuckled at the man's slightly blushing cheeks while he looked away from them.

"Goodbye, Lyra." He said impatiently before his thumb grazed the top of the disk, Nova's arm flew up, the disk falling powerfully to meet her fingers grasping it halfway.

"Nova!" Obi-Wan shouted, but she cackled along with Lyra while retreating further into the cargo bay. Obi-Wan heavily sighed, resigning himself to walking back over to where the troops are.

"Anything else, sir?" Rex asked either of the two Generals.

"No. That will be all. But Cody, if you wanted to go fetch my Padawan I would be unopposed to it." Little did he know, Nova snuck the long way around to where he was, just kneeling behind a crate while watching him. Before Cody could respond, someone pinged Obi-Wan's com.

"Yes?" He asked the unknown signal.

"The Duchess and her retinue requests your presence."

"Very well." Obi-Wan cut the com signal off with little resistance. He turned towards the open area of the cargo hold, heaving in a big breath, preparing to yell for his Padawan just to see her head pop up over a crate behind Rex.

"No need! I'm right here!" Obi-Wan wanted to reprimand her for the inappropriate behavior she displayed earlier, but his exhaustion outweighed his desire to yell at his Padawan which was already very little.

"Let's go see Satine!" Nova cried. She waved goodbye to Cutie who followed R2 deeper into the cargo bay. Nova was first to happily skip into the elevator, leaning from her heels to her goes back and forth while waiting for the other four slowpokes. Rex and Cody situated themselves in front of their Jedi Generals in the lift.

"I sense some anxiety from you about the Duchess. She couldn't be in safer hands." Anakin said. Nova couldn't help but chuckle, a sinister spin on her usual peppy voice. Anakin gave her a strange look before seeing Obi-Wan stuck in his regular contemplative beard rub.

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