September 17th

28 3 0

I woke up warm. It felt weird due to me always being cold, even more this past week. As warm as I felt, I still felt tired. My breathing seems shallower than normal and my arms felt weaker than they did the day before. I brushed it off and opened my eyes to see I was still laying on Jake.

I gently took his hands off me and looked at my phone.


I gently shook my head and made my way downstairs, trying not to disturb the sleeping boy. I felt the cold nipping at me, the back of my neck, my ears, my nose, my lips. All of it grew colder as it started to get to my fingers and up my hand.

I made it down the final step and looked around the dark house. I quietly made my way to the kitchen as I made a cup of black coffee. The machine felt like it took forever before I was holding the burning hot mug. "Any warmth is good." I thought to myself as I took a sip of the dark brown liquid.

It wasn't long before I felt arms wrapping around my torso. "Drew" the boy behind me mumbled into my shoulder. "Why are you up?"

I put my hand on top of both of his. "I don't know. You should get back to bed." I leaned my head onto his slightly.

"Too hot," he moved his head so his face was against my neck, his hot breath warming my skin enough to send shivers down me.

I sighed, "Alright, let's go then."

Jake moved and grabbed my hand, leading me back to my room. We laid back down as he laid on me this time, providing warmth to me, while also cooling himself down.

I decided to scroll through my phone as I was awake now. My free hand making its way into Jake's hair without me realizing it. I ran my fingers through soft, fluffy locks, genty fixing the knots in them when I felt it. I felt him move closer to me when I realized what I was doing.

I started to remove my hand from his hair before he caught me. "That felt nice," he mumbled, half-asleep. My eyes widened slightly before I put my hand back into his hair, running my fingers through gently. I put my phone down and focused on holding Jake.

I started to feel tired again, so I let the warmth lead me back to sleep.

I woke up again, my fingertips were cold again, as they lacked the soft hair that they had been holding when I first went to sleep again. I opened my eyes slightly to see Jake putting on a shirt in the distance.

I stretched with a small yawn escaping from my mouth. When I finished, I noticed Jake looking at me. "Hey bedhead." He chuckled as he finished putting his shirt on.

I rubbed my eyes before throwing the blanket off of me. I immediately regretted that action. "Morning," I groaned, quickly grabbing my blanket again and wrapping myself in it.

"That shirt's too small for you." I mumbled as he walked up and hugged me.

"It was a temporary thing," he started. "What? You don't think I'd look good in a crop top?" He let me go and made me look up at him.

"Eh, you probably could pull it off. It's just too early in the morning for you to be acting gay." I joked with him, while also thinking of what he'd look like in a crop top. "I have spare tops that should fit you in the closet."

I got up and led him to my walk-in closet and looked for a shirt that should fit the over six foot tall boy. It wasn't too difficult to find something.

We both finished getting ready before we headed downstairs. "Alright we should head out now," I said when we both got to the kitchen, watching Jake grab a granola bar.

He nodded and we walked out to my car.

It wasn't long for Jake to be distracted again. Chemistry came around quickly today and then slowed down from there. I was chatting with Henry and Liam as we waited for class to start since Jake was in his own world again. It tended to hurt more and more as he spaced out around us, leaving me to talk with our other idiot friends.

I started to ignore the idiots when they stopped involving me in their conversation. I glanced over at Jake who seemed to be staring at the brunette drummer, Luke, in front of him. The guy seemed down, which made Jake look at him like he wanted to help him.

"I just want my best friend back," I thought to myself as I read the instructions on the paper that had finally been passed out.

"What's Luke sighing about?" I raised my eyebrow, slightly glad to finally have the blonde's attention. "He have a falling out with his freak friends?"

"No," Jake started, his voice laced with worry and a hint of annoyance. "I think he's just having some 'issues' in the love department," he finished.

"Oof, that's tough," I said with some sarcasm. "Shame I can't relate."

I could tell Jake was trying not to roll his eyes at me.

"Ugh! I feel for him!" Henry sighed out. "Lia still hasn't texted me back since yesterday." His voice was slightly higher as he began to whine a bit. "I can't seem to catch a break!" He finished complaining.

"I keep telling you, stop sending her My Hero Academia memes!" Liam responded to Henry's whining. They continued a small conversation that I decided to ignore, as I didn't want to listen to Henry crush more on one of my good friends.

Next thing I knew, I heard Jake whispering to Hailey. I figured it had something to do with Luke due to how concerned he looked when thinking about him.

I decided against eavesdropping.

"Did you say Zander?" Jake suddenly shouted out. The whole class stared at him.

"Is there a problem at the back Jake?" the teacher asked him.

His face turned a bright red. "Uh no!" he started to chuckle nervously. "Sorry Miss!"

I turned back to the assignment that Jake wasn't helping me with. I was getting annoyed as he continued a conversation with the teal-haired girl instead of helping out.

I finally was fed up with Jake being distracted over Hailey. I turned to look at him.

"Are you gonna continue talking to your music girlfriend or are you actually gonna help me out here?" Jake and Hailey both looked at me as they turned pink.

"Don't call me that!"

Don't call her that!"

They both spoke at the same time, both looking equally annoyed with me. Hailey finally turned to help her partner with the work we had.

"I wouldn't have partnered up with you if I knew you'd just talk to her for the whole lesson. Help out would you?" I finished as I went to continue.

"Sorry Drew, I'll help," he said through clenched teeth.

He was still distracted, probably coming up with a plan to help Luke.

During this, he put the wrong chemicals together and the stuff started to smoke up and purple erupted from one of the beakers.

"Jake!" the teacher yelled out as an annoyed, yet angry look formed on my face.

We didn't get a good grade for the assignment. I was very pissed at him for it. Jake also ended up having detention for not being careful.

Getting through the rest of school was a nightmare again. I didn't talk to Jake again after class. I wasn't surprised when he was all over his 'freak' friends.

I decided to forget about it and went home as soon as I could since Henry and Liam decided they wanted to walk to get food with each other.

I went home and did my homework, before passing out on my bed at three in the morning.

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