Chapter - 0

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Long ago lived a young child. 7 to be exacted.

"Darling!, make sure to return home soon!" Called the mother of the child.

"Yes ma'am!" they said as they walked away from their home. You see this child has a secret garden they loved going to every now and then.

"It should only take me 5 minutes this time..." the little one thought as they started walking on the trail to the garden.

When they reached the garden, the first thing they saw was a passed out creature(?) on the ground. At first the child wasn't sure if they should go check on it but the more they looked at it the more they wanted to go look at it.

As the child went closer they saw that the orange creature was a monkey. The child grew more curious as they went closer. "What is a orange monkey doing here?" The child thought as they walked towards the body. "Also why is it all bloody?" The child bent down to get a closer look at the monkey. It was passed out ( from where the child can see ), but they heard breathing, it was light breathing but at least it was still alive.

"What do I do with it?" Thought the child. "I think I should just leave it alone. I mean it's still breathing." The child thought. "...But if I was found in this situation I wouldn't want to be left alone, I mean I could die from blood loss.."

The little one looks at the monkey one more time before sighing. "I guess I should go get things that can help it"
"Don't move." The child said as they pointed at the monkey. "Not like you can..." The little one thought before running away to their house.

*15 minutes later*

"Good thing mother wasn't home or else it would've been very awkward explaining why I needed medical stuff"

The child went to the monkey again. Good thing it was still there or else the child would have gotten the stuff for nothing.

"Um okay all I need to do is clean this up," The little one sat next to the body. "Looks like it has one cut on its back, one on the side, and multiple bruises and a head injury" The little one picked up the medication for the cut's "Let's hope it doesn't wake up..."

The little one cleaned up the body as carefully as they could because they didn't want to wake up the monkey ( who they found out was a male ). They of course closed their eyes as they bandage the males chest.

"That should do it.." The child said as they stood up and started cleaning. The monkey was leaning towards a tree as the little child was cleaning up.

"I think I should leave before he wakes up.." But as they were about to leave the heard a noise coming for the monkey.

"Uh oh."

hello :)
This is my first fic so please be nice 😞

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