Episode 2: Rage Breaking Point.

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(yes, a trope based title. and a very fitting one at that!)

-two weeks later-

James' eye was twitching as he was dragged into an amusement park. He was just busy painting when Uni called him and there he was. He didn't even want to be there! He just wanted to paint pictures at his house!

"*sigh* i can't believe i got duped into doing this...arghhhh..." he groaned in irritation as he just wanted to go home as he was dragged to various stalls by Rom and Ram and clearly suffered a lot.

-minutes later-

"Come on...when is this ride gonna end?" James whimpered as he was with Neptune and Nepgear on a rollercoaster and he felt like throwing up.

-an hour later-

"I..can't..hold all of this!" gasped James holding to a lot of stuffed toys that was won by the twins.

-few minutes later-

James was now sitting on a bench, his rage was already beginning to boil over like hot oil and it wasn't long til the pressure burst wide open.

"Hey James! wanna play with me at the arcade?!" Neptune asked as James wasn't in the mood. Then it had to get worse. "James can you take me and Rom to the bumper car rides? please? please?!" asked Ram as James' headache worsened. "James can you be a dear and help me with some purchases?" asked Vert and James was really about to explode.

James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James! James!

"SSSSTTTTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPP IIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!" James screamed throwing everyone off guard. "I've had enough! i just wanted to stay at home but you guys just won't leave me alone!" he shrieked with a maddened look. "But James i really want to-" Neptune was silenced by James' hateful glare. "And you...you four...i keep being your packmule despite the fact that i don't want to do it! but noooo! you still keep on doing it! i've had enough! consider this friendship between you no good for nothing goddesses and me are over!" he hissed as he walked away. "James wait!" Uni yelled but she tripped.

-back to Lastation and in his house-

"Grrr..." James hissed as he was packing some of his painting tools and stuff and his favorite books of martial arts techniques. "Alright. I better head to Lastation's outskits where Doc is." James mused as he went out of his house and went towards a slight mountainous area leading to a house. "I wonder if Doc's okay..." James mused as he walked towards the high path.

It was going to be a peaceful visit. Or so James thinks.

Author's Notes: the next chapter is about James talking to somebody he calls "Doc"

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Author's Notes: the next chapter is about James talking to somebody he calls "Doc". it's not a very long chapter too. see you all later.

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