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Felix told changbin about his encounter with hyunjin, seungmin and minho. Changbin felt frustrated and bad for felix.

"Those punks..." changbin spoke as he paced through the studio room in dissapointment

"I see them hang out, with other bad reputed students as well..." felix responded as he layed down on the small bed

"Just give them some time lix..." changbin sighed changing his words like usual

"It's like, they're not scared of the teachers as well...they don't care..i noticed it.." felix spoke being deep in a thought

"Yeah...."changbin sighed as he glanced at felix

"So...what was hyunjin's first impression to you?" Changbin asked curiously

"It was....different..." felix spoke after a while

"He looks hotter..he was always attractive to me but this time, i could barely think straight...i shouldn't be thinking like this, but i can't help it. So much has changed..yet, some things are still the same." Felix thought to himself as he sat up

"Oh i see." Changbin crossed his arms while flexing his big muscles

"Why do you...." felix spoke but paused

"What..?" Changbin asked as he looked at felix

"Changbin, why do you..always ask about hyunjin...? I mean..i know you're worried...but, i feel like you always want me to say it..." felix replied as he avoided eye contact

"Felix...listen.." changbin spoke as he suddenly placed his hand on felix's cheek

"I...feel for you.." changbin spoke genuinely

"I know that you like me too, felix." Changbin spoke as felix looked at him

"I know you and hyunjin were close... but this thing... going on between us, it's special...felix...you feel it too right?" Changbin asked

"I like how truthful and straightforward changbin is with his feelings.." felix thought

"I also know that, you don't wanna tell me about how you feel about him.." changbin scoffed

"I don't feel anything for him....we were just best friends.." felix spoke without any expression

"It's hard for me to even talk to hyunjin with all those people surroundings him all the time, let alone getting along with him..." felix thought briskly

"Then...what's stopping you now?" Changbin gazed into felix's eyes

"Tch.." felix hesitantly shifted forward as he brushed his hand through his hair

"Seungmin didn't talk much to you?" Changbin spoke randomly

"Yeah..." felix sighed

"Do you like hyunjin? Be honest." changbin asked suddenly

"This is the second time he has asked me this seriously. Changbin is an intense person, i can't do this any longer..." felix thought

"Do you felix?" Changbin asked again as his gaze became darker

Felix was defeated and knew that he won't get what he wanted, so might just take what is in front of him.

"Just say it-" changbin spoke but got interrupted by felix's gentle lips on his

Felix kissed changbin briefly, to shut him up. Changbin was surprised and his eyes widened. After felix pulled away he stared deep into Changbin's eyes.

"Felix-" Changbin was flabbergasted

"You know the one i like...so stop talking.."felix smiled

"...i don't know if this was wrong...because i think i did the right thing, i do like changbin...and i don't want to hide around the bush anymore..." felix thought

Felix made up his mind, changbin knew that felix felt something for hyunjin, so he just wanted to know the truth. But felix accepted his intuitive instincts for changbin, even when he knew it wasn't that simple. Changbin felt happy when felix made a move on him and he was expecting alot from this new relation.

At the Academy

"What are we now felix?" Changbin's words from yesterday night kept repeating in his head

"Why didn't you tell him...? Why..." felix thought to himself

"This is the only way...i can move on from this guilt..of leaving like that..and hurting hyunjin.." felix sighed to himself as his shaky hands reached the door

"I have to talk to hyunjin." Felix thought

Felix didn't get the chance to approach hyunjin at all but he wasn't going to give up, he kept watching hyunjin, and that made him realize how much he still actually liked him since high school days.

Later, as felix saw hyunjin leave while minho was not around and he was partially alone. Felix decided to go talk to him.

"I need to have courage...i don't want any misunderstandings between us, i don't know if he will forgive me or not..but i need to tell him, that i didn't mean to leave like that.." felix thought

Felix almost catched up to him when suddenly one of the guys from his group stood in front of him.

"Where are you running off to rat?" The guy named jay laughed at him

"Rat?? Who the hell are you to call me a rat?" Felix spoke as he looked at him

"You are so nosy..i always see the way you just slide so smoothly over everything....i saw exactly how you manipulated the teacher to get the lead role.." jay scoffed as he looked at him with boredom

"The fuck..?" Felix spoke with a disgusted look on his face

"I wanted that" jay spat as he moved closer into felix's personal space

"He's...so weird..." felix thought

"Not my problem, leave before i-" felix spoke as he pushed him away but got cut off

"Oh yeahh...? You think you're tough huh? I heard you're a black belt in taekwondo too?" He pushed felix back in frustration

"Just because you are bac-" he gritted his teeth but got cut off

"Yeah and i won't fucking hesitate." felix spoke angrily as he almost threw hands at him

"Aw, you're such a kitty boy, haha so soft... you look so cute when you're pissed...All you got is a scary voice, but that doesn't mean you could shoo me off...rat, it doesn't work on me." jay spoke while fluctuating a smile

"W-" felix was about to respond but a teacher walked in by yelling at them to go inside their classes

"Dumbass, don't judge me by my appearance." felix thought to himself as jay glared at him

"What the hell is wrong with people..." felix spoke to himself as he watched jay leave with a smirk on his face

"Fuck, i lost hyunjin again...he doesn't even look at me.." Felix sighed to himself stressfully

"Is he doing a bunk again...for a while? At this rate...i would never get to talk to him alone.." felix thought as he bit his lip


𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 (𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹) | Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now