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"ANSWER ME..." felix yelled but hyunjin kept looking at felix in a daze

"I wanted to meet you so badly...i don't even fucking know what I'd do...i just couldn't...okay i just couldn't...and I'm sorry i was selfish..." felix cried as he let go of hyunjin and covered his face with his hands

"I feel...terrible..." felix spoke as he sat down

Suddenly, it thundered louder and hyunjin walked towards felix and pulled him up.

"AND WHAT ABOUT ME THEN?" hyunjin yelled as he looked at felix with hurt in his eyes

"I waited and waited for you...i waited for...so long...." hyunjin spoke as he held felix's arm tightly

"But you...never showed up..." hyunjin gritted his teeth

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA...?" Hyunjin yelled in anger as felix just stared at him in shock

"I tried so fucking hard...to understand what was going on with you, you just kept pushed me away in the end...didn't tell me what's wrong when i asked you a thousand times..." hyunjin spoke as felix felt his heart skipping beats

"I was worried about you...but you didn't care about me.... you didn't even talk to me...you didn't care about our friendship..you kept pushing me towards seungmin...did you even try to understand..if i wanted that or not?" hyunjin spoke as tears streamed down his eyes as well

"What kind of best friend does that?" Hyunjin asked angrily as he pushed felix away

"I didn't care for our friendship?.." felix spoke without any emotion

"What do you know....?" Felix whispered as his head dropped down

"I.....i just....did so much for you..." felix spoke lowly

"You don't have any idea..." felix sobbed

"I do have the idea.." hyunjin spoke

"You made me this way...yongbok...so don't cry infront of me...it's not going to take us back to the way it was.." hyunjin spoke harshly

"You left me... before you could even leave for Australia" hyunjin scoffed

"Now please...consider this a favor...and go back..." hyunjin spoke as he brushed his hand through his hair in irritation

"Fuck off hyunjin..." felix spoke suddenly

"I never wanted that..either but i still did that...gave our friendship away....i know..i fucking know okay? I was truly selfish..i know...but what do you want me to do now...? I'm tired of-" felix spoke but got cut off

"I don't CARE OKAY? Why can't you just leave like you did...just leave me all alone...again..that's WHAT you want don't you?.." hyunjin spoke rudely

"STOP....it...just stop....okay...stop yelling at my face..." felix sobbed

"I know i left but...i won't ever leave you again.." felix spoke as hyunjin looked at him

"Please...just-" felix begged but got cut off

"I hurt that man yongbok...and he wants to kill me..." hyunjin spoke suddenly

"And now he knows about you...too...why don't you understand...you are not safe here...with me.." hyunjin spoke as he looked away

"He knows...that you are someone special to me..." hyunjin spoke as he looked down at a rain puddle

"Why...." felix asked after a while

"Why am i special to you?" Felix questioned

"You were my best friend, who left me alone that's why...everyone knows that.." hyunjin spoke as he tried to control his emotions

𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 (𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹) | Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now