XVII. Judge, Jury, Executioner

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( Terribly Desirable ) ✝︎ ─── 17.
Judge, Jury, Executioner.

     MELODY WAITED patiently for her dad to be finished in the barn, staring at the dirt beneath her with a bored look on her face. She wasn't allowed to go inside the barn since they didn't know if the guy was dangerous or if he could hurt Melody. She found it utter bullshit, she could take care of herself, probably better than the others could take care of themselves.

Truthfully, Melody only wanted to get some of her frustration out and beating the shit out of someone was the best way to do it in her eyes. She wasn't allowed to go near Andrea which was both a pain and a blessing since Melody would've most likely killed her. First, Andrea almost kills her dad and then she tries to get Beth to kill herself and was proud of Beth when she hurt herself. Melody believed that the older woman was deranged and needed professional help.

It was a shame that wasn't an option anymore.

She groaned in annoyance as Daryl takes his time questioning the guy inside the barn. She just wanted another cigarette and he had taken them with him since she kept stealing them. She was seriously starting to become addicted to them. She was most likely going to die anyways, speeding the process up a bit didn't hurt.

Leona was back in the house with Beth, most likely curled up on her bed sleeping. She slept anywhere she wanted to sleep. Mostly everyone on the farm liked the dog and the ones who didn't were the ones who Melody didn't like either.

"Finally," Melody huffed when Daryl finally walked out of the barn. "I need a cigarette." She holds out her hand, staring at Daryl with narrowed eyes as she waited for him to give her the packet. Daryl rolled his eyes, gently slapping her hand away as he moves past her and starts walking towards the group. Melody grumbled and followed after him, cursing him out under her breath.

"I threw them away," Daryl says over his shoulder to her, feeling her glaring at his head. "You're too young to be smoking."

Melody mimicked him under her breath out of sheer annoyance. She hated that even in the middle of an apocalypse, he was still trying to treat her like a child. She stopped being a child the day her mother died.

Daryl reached the group before Melody, telling them about what the guy said in the barn. Melody didn't pay much attention, too busy glaring at Andrea and Shane. She wanted someone to put a bullet in both of their heads and if they didn't do it soon, she was going to do it herself.

Rick starts droning on about eliminating the threat and how no one was allowed to go near the guy anymore. She was starting to get bored of his speeches, she swore he had one every day. There hasn't been a day since she met Rick that he hasn't gave some sort of speech.

Terribly Desirable ✹ Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now