Chapter 3

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AN: Lines in italics is usually a person's thoughts.

Arthit's POV:

At last the bell rang, signifying that the class was over. The unified hate for extended classes is always strong. Both the teachers and the students hate it with utmost passion.

All I want is to go home and sleeeeep ~~ I sang in my head, while collecting my stuff to head home.

"P'Arthit!" Aim called.

"Yes, Aim?" I asked, subtly letting him know that I'm ready to run from here.

"Your roommate has already reached home. Just wanted to let you know, so you don't freak out, when you meet him." he said.

"Oh! Right, thanks!" I said, mumbling a mental good bye to my roaming-wearing-my-underwear days.

Wanting nothing but food and sleep, I drove my car back home, and tossed my shoes and ran into my room, before the newbie could see me. Hunger awakens the primitive side of me, and I think it's too early for that kiddo to see me in that state.

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Thank you for reading! :)

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