Chapter 4

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AN: Lines in italics is usually a person's thoughts.

Kong's POV:

I heard it...for sure..someone's here...keys, shoes, bags falling down..oh I heard them all...must be the mystery man!!

But is it worth sacrificing my beauty sleep, to meet him now??? Nahhh..he's going to be here for a long time anyway..not like he can run away from his house...let me continue to sleep and meet him when it's absolutely necessary.

I pulled the covers over my ears and drifted back to my wonderland.

Arthit's POV:

Oh a warm bath after a long day, always helps in unwinding.

Let's play some nice songs and start cooking.

In the mood for some appetizers, I started reheating the garlic bread packet I had bought, for days like these, when I have a sudden craving.

Woooaahhhh!!! The smell is sooo fresh!!!

I was doing a happy dance, when I heard a door open.

Shit! It's the newbie! I forgot about him completely!!!🤦

I froze, feeling his movements. But soon realised he was frozen too..didn't move an inch after stepping out of his room. Why???

........Double shit!!!! I'm only wearing my underwear!!! 🤦🤦

Why do I have to embarrass myself like this..that too in front of a new guy! Get it together, Arty! Run into your room now!!!

My brain was giving me all sorts of commands, but the rest of my body was having a field day, disobeying my brain.

Trying to play cool, I just turned around, without meeting his eyes of course, to make sure the garlic bread wasn't burnt.

I know I need to cover up..but how do I defuse the situation without making it more embarrassing? I didn't even know if I could mess up any further. I'm an assistant professor, for heaven's sake!!

Not willing to damage his eyes any further, I just - avoiding him as casually as I could - gave him a sheepish smile and bowed, trying to sprint my way, into my room, but not without my freshly reheated garlic bread.

In an attempt to snatch them from the kitchen counter and run simultaneously, I only tripped and fell.

Okay! I give up!! Today is officially 'let's embarrass myself completely' day. Nothing more can go wrong now, can it?

Now that he has seen the worst possible side of me, I think I can just bid adieu to my image, if anything was left in the first place - and move on!

I heard a light chuckle.

Serves me right!!

Should I get up or pick up the garlic bread? I didn't even get to taste them..I was soooo looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening!! It's the weekend, for crying out loud!

I could feel him walking closer to me..

Should I pretend like I'm dead? That won't be too dramatic, would it??


Triple shit!!!!!!🤦🤦🤦

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